Salvation: The Wormwood Prophecy – A Murderous Surprise? Maybe.
Reporter Amanda Neel (Shazi Raja) manages to figure out what code President Mackenzie used to write her speech. It used the Bible, and introduced the Bible quote that Salvation: The Wormwood Prophecy took its title from. Learning that the earth is about to be devastated by a giant asteroid wrecks her – as it should.
Meeting With Grace
From there Amanda goes to a press conference and texts Grace. She’s going to ask the new president about Sampson. Grace warns her off and then meets with her (again) in Amanda’s car. There Grace presses the point that if Amanda releases the news the public it will cause total chaos.
Off the record, there were plans. Either we solve this problem and get on with our lives in a few months – or we won’t. But now is not the time to unleash this secret on the world! The geopolitics are extremely vulnerable! You have a moral responsibility beyond career!
Amanda is incensed by this accusation and sobs that it’s not about the career, but “the end of the world.” She also refutes Grace’s point that it would be the end of law and order in the world by saying President MacKenzie was going to announce it to the world.

Photo: Ben Mark Holzberg
Grace is shocked to learn Amanda has tracked this down. Nevertheless, she tells Amanda to think hard about running the story.
I urge you to do the sane thing. Once this genie comes out of the bottle the entire world order goes upside down. Think about that before you hit send. ….I was wrong about you. You’re a damn good reporter.
A Quick Question for Viewers About Amanda
Is Amanda a good reporter? I’m not sure about that. This is just a TV show, but despite how well acted the scene is and the emotional response Amanda has (you can see it here) there’s a lot of naivete in her reaction. Jillian, who was going to tell her father the news, found it made no sense to do so.
I suppose what I’m questioning would be part of a larger debate about the role of reporters, “leakers” and whistle-blowers. When is the right thing to do? In this case, is it in the public interest to know about something they can literally do nothing about?
Amanda says she wants to run the story because “the people” deserve to know. Meanwhile, we’ve watched Amanda as a character doing nothing but looking for “the story of the century.” Her motives have never been presented as concern about, “the people.”
The thing is, good journalism isn’t just about information and exposing hidden facts. Good investigative news story inform, but they also lead to changes, whether it’s people going to jail or society rethinking the way they’ve always done things. It’s why the great news reporters are the ones able not only to find information, but to put it into context. It’s not just a quest to get someone to blurt out “the truth” and say, “got ya!”
Of course, how cool is it that a TV show makes you think about these things! If you have any thoughts about this and role of the press – pro or con – leave them in the comments!
Bye-Bye Amanda?
After Grace tells Amanda she’s a good reporter, Grace gets out of the car and leaves. Unfortunately, this entire conversation has been observed and reported to Claire. She orders that Amanda be taken out! (In case you had doubts, it makes this makes it obvious Claire ordered that hit on Grace back in “Salvation: Another Trip Around the Sun.)
While Amanda and her boss look like they should be dead, I’ve seen any number of shows – including this one – where a person survives what appears to be a shot through the heart. We’ll have to wait until the Salvation finale to find out. Being that the shooter then set the place on fire you might hope she did die before the flames hit her body. Her being burned alive would be awful!
The biggest irony of this scene is that Amanda was still debating whether or not to post the story. Had they come in to kill her, she might have not said anything!
Grace & Darius – Love Makes Things Complicated
This storyline wasn’t really a surprise. However, you know this review couldn’t end without saying something about Grace and Darius! First of all, what’s their shipper name? Drace? Gracius (a take off of the Spanish word for “thanks” – gracias)? I’m sure viewers can figure out something. Leave your suggestions in the comments. If it’s renewed it will be good not to be typing, “Grace & Darius” all the time!
Seriously though, it was cute watching them being cautious with their feelings. In this episode neither was completely sure how the other was feeling. After all, the last actually conversation they had about it was “What happens in Moscow stays in Moscow.” Darius is unaware of Grace’s steamy dreams and that she’s done romantically with Harris. Meanwhile, Grace thinks Darius is getting back with Tess (Autumn Reeser) – until this happens.
The look on Grace’s face says it all – but Darius still thinks she’s involved with Harris. Maybe that’s another reason he says that, “necessity is the mother of deception.” He thinks he has to keep his feelings for Grace hidden! Hopefully that will be cleared up in the finale!
Father Knows Best
While it was clear to viewers last week that Grace was over Harris, it was still good to hear her say it out loud to her astute dad. Grace has told him and Zoe about Sampson. Zoe has elected to still go to Africa. (I suspect that won’t actually happen.) Before Hugh drives Zoe to the airport, he tweaks his daughter about not telling him she “was in love.”
Grace: “No, Daddy. Harris and I (sigh) we’re over.”
Hugh: “That’s not who I’m talking about.
Grace was stunned! Luckily, Zoe came downstairs so that she didn’t have to answer! (Can’t say it enough – I love Grace’s dad!)
Salvation: The Wormwood Prophecy – The Wrap Up
Who else can’t believe this Wednesday is the CBS Salvation finale? Salvation: The Wormwood Prophecy ended the way a good penultimate episode should – with lots of unanswered questions and a hint of even higher stakes to come!
- We’ve got the Russians on the move with their submarines in position to attack.
- Amanda’s story may have gotten published and unleashed the secret of Sampson into the world – creating total chaos.
- Claire – is always up to something. What does she have in mind for Harris? I mean besides getting him in bed again. (Harris wasn’t kidding about whatever it takes!)
- Tess – the computer – may be dead, thus making it even more impossible to get back the gravity tractor. The question is, who hacked it? Is Darius right about it being Resist? If so, who’s actually running it?
- Why did Darius’s test come back saying he was disqualified to go?
- Jillian mentioned not wanting to leave her dad behind…will Liam want to leave his mom? Would there be room?
- Are Amanda and her editor dead or alive?
- Is Zoe really going to Africa?
- What’s going to happen to President Mackenzie?
- Will Salvation be taking off for Mars?
Most of all – will Grace let Darius know she only wants him?! …Well, they did have that conversation before Grace went to go tell Zoe about Sampson.
Darius: It’s never too late to be honest with the people…you love.
The finale for Salvation is this Wednesday, Sept. 20 at a special time (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Let’s hope it’s a season finale and not a series finale!
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