General Hospital Spoilers: Nina’s Making Plans

General Hospital Spoilers: Nina’s Making Plans

General Hospital fans are left wondering what might happen the rest of this week. There is only one more day left in the week before things are not going to happen again until Monday. It was a good week for some and a not-so-good week for others. Some people found out that their lives are not what they seem, and Oscar is one of them. He’s been hit with a terrible illness that’s causing seizures, and things are not working out for him. His mother has been hiding a secret her entire life that will change the course of his life and Drew’s from this point forward, and she doesn’t seem to care that this is a problem for anyone but herself. She’s not in a good place, and she’s not making much sense right now, but this is something she has to do for her son and for her family.

And then there is the fact that Nina is getting it all together. She’s not ready to continue her marriage to Valentin, and she’s put him on notice. He needs to get his life together and make sure that they can get their own situation under control. He’s hoping her mother will tell her where to find the daughter that Nina didn’t know she had, and he thinks that this will get him back in her good graces so that she can be with him again. It’s not happening the way he thought it might happen, but things have been crazier than this in the past and still worked out for him. We don’t know that there is much else they can do at this point, but there is a lot that they can do that might just make a world of difference for them and for their situation.

What’s Happening on General Hospital

It’s been a sad week with the announcement that soap opera alum Susan Brown passed on, and the people of Port Charles want to be sure that she’s remembered for all her amazing work and all she’s done to make this show so good. She’s someone we love, and we will all miss her now that she’s not around to make everyone totally amazed with her skill and talent.

What’s Next on General Hospital

It turns out that Nina is not doing what she thought she might do. She’s had a crazy idea, and we hear she is going to bring us into the weekend with that crazy idea in her mind. She’s going to make sure she gets what she wants, and she’s doing all she can to get that. She’s got a lot going on in her life right now, and she is not about to let anyone or anything get in her way of getting this situation under her control. She’s also going to face the fact that there is a lot going on everywhere. She’s got a lot to think of, but she’s also with someone else in her mind. Jason is going to remain diplomatic. He has a nephew he never knew about who is currently in the middle of a horrible health crisis, and things are not what they seem. It’s been a day, and it’s all right.

There’s a lot happening that might not make Kim happy, but Drew is going through this time with her. So many people are so upset that this is all happening in the middle of their lives, and they are not sure what do to get this situation under control. His condition is terrible, and it seems that no one has any hope. It’s not good for him, and everyone is horrified that his prognosis is not good. We don’t know if that’s going to be the case or not, but there is something going on.

Stay tuned for more General Hospital and be sure to check out TVOvermind daily for the latest General Hospital spoilers, news, and updates.

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