credit: Raising Arizona
It would appear that a lot of Nicolas Cage’s career is based on David Bowie’s advice. Honestly, a lot of people would likely state that this is one of the best pieces of advice that many actors could get. Others might have differing opinions, but the truth is that David Bowie was well-respected among many celebrities.
The advice that he gave to Cage, however, is quite useful. The idea of getting comfortable in one type of role or another is a habit that many actors fall into. Being typecast means different things to different people. Some actually embrace it, while others think of it as a way to watch their career slowly dwindle.
However, it’s viewed that an actor’s career needs to change now and then so that they’re capable of thriving throughout the years. Nicolas Cage’s career has gone up and down for a while, but it has changed over the years. It hasn’t always changed for the better. But it has changed.

credit: The Prestige
Reinventing himself has helped Cage to stay relevant
If anyone remembers what Cage was like when he first started, they’ll see the difference. His acting style has changed in a few ways since his first days on screen, but there are a lot of similarities still to see. A lot of actors can take on various roles throughout their careers. But it takes someone that’s constantly changing to keep people on their toes.
In some ways, his act hasn’t changed so fundamentally that it can’t be recognized. But considering how many movies Cage has on his resume, it’s easy to state that he’s made several roles unique. One of those comes in Willy’s Wonderland since he has no lines in the movie. Pig is another unique movie since he doesn’t speak as much, and it’s one of the last roles that anyone would think to see him in.
The unfortunate part is reinventing himself came after losing almost everything. Cage’s spending habits landed him in a great deal of trouble years ago. Since then, he’s taken to starring in so many straight-to-DVD and streaming movies that it’s hard to count them all. But one thing that’s fair to say is that a lot of these roles are unique.
A lot of Cage’s roles do come off as the same
Nicolas Cage has a certain type of energy that emerges when he’s acting. It tends to go from calm and measured to frantic and crazy, with many levels in between. Talking with his hands is a style that he’s utilized more than once, though some people find it kind of odd.
All in all, Cage has come off as kind of an eccentric actor over the years. If this is the act of reinventing himself, then it works since it keeps everyone guessing with each new movie. In some ways, it feels like it’s a bit much, but at the same time, it’s fine since this keeps things from getting boring. One thing that most actors find difficult to come back from is a stagnant career.

credit: Pig
Cage has had a long road from where he started to where he is
Trying to map out Cage’s career is a long process. From his minor appearance in Fast Times at Ridgemont High to movies like Pig, he’s come a very long way. He’s taken on several genres over the course of his career. Of course, not all of his attempts have turned out that great.
There are movies that people know little to nothing about since there hasn’t been a lot of buzz about them. The fact that Cage had to keep working to fix his monetary problems has been a topic of discussion. But this has also produced a few great movies that are fun and kind of campy but still worth watching. Sometimes it’s best to keep following an actor’s attempts, even if they don’t all come out that great.
It’s easy to argue that Cage’s prime has come and gone, but it’s wise to acknowledge that he’s continued to evolve over the years. He’s definitely become more distinguished and even more impressive in some ways.
Bowie’s advice does make sense
David Bowie was a highly respected celebrity in his day and was someone that people tended to listen to. It makes sense that someone would listen to what he had to say about their career. This does make a person wonder if other celebrities took advice from Bowie over the years.
It also makes a person think about which other celebrities might make a habit of giving advice to their peers. There are those that might not give out the best advice, but it’s fair to state that the effort counts. As for Nicolas Cage, his career has taken a few interesting turns.
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