Sometime this year we’re going to see another version of Iron Chef: America, and it’s already exciting enough to talk about it at length since those that have loved the Iron Chef since it was still a solely Japanese show are bound to be interested in this new version coming up, which will be titled Iron Chef: Quest for an Iron Legend. The title is a little presumptuous, but at the very least it sounds enticing enough to get some folks to take a look, while those that have been fans of the show for so long might simply look because they’re ready to see the show offer up something new. This will be the third time that the show has aired in America, and Kitchen Stadium will return in all its glory to host the challenging chefs and the Iron Chefs, who have yet to be named. For people that have seen the show before the challenges are bound to be intriguing since there have been a large number of main ingredients that have been used over the years and some of them have been a little wild.
There isn’t a lot that’s known at the moment when it comes to the fine details of the show, but hearing that it’s coming back is enough at the moment since it feels certain that whoever the Iron Chefs are going to be, they’ll be the best of the best and likely some of the most famous. It’s kind of hope that a few of the original Iron Chefs will return, but that might not be a part of the plan. Watching the older episodes is still a lot of fun since some of the ingredients were definitely out there in terms of how they would be used as the main part of each dish. There was an episode in which milk was the main ingredient, and trying to think of how many different ways that milk could be used as the main ingredient in a dish was hard to do.
Some folks might not get too worked up about a new Iron Chef show, as there are plenty of folks that don’t really like to cook, and don’t like to watch others cook. It’s an acquired taste since watching people cook can get old if it’s not kept interesting enough. But the fun thing about this show is that the camera placement is usually good enough that people are kept in the mix as to what the chefs are cooking, and can wonder if they could do the same thing. Iron Chef, and many other cooking shows, are inspirational in a way since they show some of the best chefs in the world vying for bragging rights to start with, but also a chance at cash prizes that can be won by the challenging chef. Some cooking shows in the past have had several chefs against one another to be judged by professional chefs, or have pitted chefs against each other in a set of bizarre challenges that have seen them cooking with nothing but measuring spoons to prepping their meal while walking on a treadmill.
As much fun as many other shows have been, Iron Chef has still stood above them all since it’s one of the shows that has managed to stick to its original form for so long and has been respected and loved by so many fans. The chefs don’t use any tricks or have any advantages, but watching them work is still fun since they operate within a time limit and have to begin and finish their dishes within the time limit to present to the judges. There have been episodes that have seen the challenging chefs fail to present their dishes to all of the judges, but for the most part, things have usually gone smoothly and things have remained as entertaining as possible. There is usually the chance to see incoming chefs acting cocky as they believe that they’re the ones that will hand the Iron Chef of their choosing a loss, but more often than not the Iron Chefs manage to put up a good fight and win, or at least lose gracefully. It’s not too hard since in the culinary world there’s always someone on the way up, and a good chef is bound to know this.
But the idea that this is coming to Netflix is great since it will be a chance to see many new chefs try their hand at the challenge of taking on an Iron Chef and it will be a welcome sight to see. Hopefully, the show will be given a stellar cast that will make it worth watching, but it’s bound to be worth taking a look at no matter how it turns out.
the fine details
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