Everybody has their favorite board games that they loved as kids. If you’re of the Generation X age, you probably had some favorites like Hungry Hungry Hippo and Operation, among others. When you think about these games, you probably get warm, fuzzy feelings as you think about your happy and relatively simple childhood where one of the best things you could do all day long was play these types of games.
You might not think of them the same way anymore, as there’s a brand new music video out that takes all of your favorite board games of old and turns them into the types of things that usually wake you up from a deep sleep in a cold sweat. Whether it’s monsters or other various disturbing images, this music video is extremely unique. If you really stop and think about it, it also demonstrates an exceptional level of talent, one that a lot of people simply don’t possess.
The video was made for America’s very first music gif website. As such, the individuals involved with the video decided to take the iconic board games from the your youth and turn it into something with a slightly more grown up theme. It definitely gets your attention, which is exactly what it’s supposed to do. In addition, this short music video easily showcases the talents of the individuals involved who put it together. In reality, it very well could be the beginning of a brand new industry, not to mention a new way for people to express themselves.
By all accounts, the video is a hit. Part of the reason that it’s become so popular is likely because it does incorporate those memories from one’s childhood. It gives common ground to a subject and allows everyone to identify with something in the video, even if they can’t identify with everything. You might think of it as a video version of those coloring books for adults that are so popular these days. In short, it’s a new way for people to express themselves using all that modern technology has to offer.
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