The Top Five Cate Blanchett Crying Scenes in Movies

The Top Five Cate Blanchett Crying Scenes in Movies

For some reason seeing women cry really affects people a lot more and somehow when Cate Blanchett cries it seems to be even worse. It could be that she seems like such a stoic character that when she does break down it’s the indication that something is truly out of whack and needs to be put back in line pronto. It might sound a little sexist to say that seeing women cry is disturbing but in all honesty watching anyone cry is kind of disturbing, but watching a woman shed tears tends to hit men just a little harder since it often means that we really messed up somehow or that we should be feeling their pain for one reason or another. Crying is normal and it’s a natural response, but it’s also such a personal and visceral response to a stimulus that’s obviously unpleasant.

And if Cate Blanchett is anything but composed it’s usually pretty bad.

5. Blue Jasmine

It seems fitting to think that anyone that could offer up so many lies in such a short order would be considered to be mentally unhinged. That kind of begs the question as to what happens when whatever’s bubbling up inside the crazy pot of a mind decides to spill over and corrupt others when the need arises. Jasmine is by and large a very merciless and kind of pathetic character.

4. How to Train Your Dragon 2 

As Valka she’s kind of a surprise character that pops in during the sequel, but proves to be very needed since she’s Hiccup’s mom and the only other person that understands dragons the way that he does. Still, knowing that as Vikings they lead a dangerous life hasn’t toughened her to the fact that he could very well be killed in any encounter they happen to wander into.

3. The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies

Galadriel definitely has a thing for Gandalf, which is why she’ll come to his rescue in a heartbeat if necessary. But seeing him in such a beaten condition also makes her weep since like I said, she’s a little sweet on him. But woe to anyone that makes her mad since she’ll up and turn into one of the only living beings that could possibly stand against the likes of their enemies.

2. Babel

In this scene she’s been shot, taken to a nearby village to lay down, and now she’s facing the prospect of being tended to by people that she doesn’t know in a non-hospital setting where there’s not much chance of anything being sterilized. Plus there’s no such thing as anesthetic here so yeah, I think I’d be crying at what was about to happen as well.

1. The Gift

What in the world do you do when you’re trying to help someone and you’ve got no idea just how to calm them down? She knew at least enough to know that Buddy was disturbed but she had no idea just what was going on in his home. When she finally found out the truth was heartbreaking, and she could barely bear the fact that she’d done nothing to help.

To see Cate Blanchett crying is kind of like watching a rain cloud settle over a serene setting for a brief moment.

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