Five Movies You Forgot Jason Momoa Starred In
If there’s one reason why anyone would forget any of the movies that Jason Momoa has starred in it would probably be due to the fact that everyone sees
Movies coverage including spoilers, reviews, pictures, videos, recaps and interviews.
If there’s one reason why anyone would forget any of the movies that Jason Momoa has starred in it would probably be due to the fact that everyone sees
Whether you had to read the story in high school, act it out in drama class, or are just a big fan no matter what, Macbeth has been one of the most well-known
There are some movies that should remain the type of backwoods horror that they originated as, and Pumpkinhead is one of them. But the story itself was great
In 2011, an all female-comedy snuck up on audiences during the summer and made stars out of Kristen Wiig (Ghostbusters, Wonder Woman 1984), Rose Bryne (I Am M
Just to showcase a little more of what the guys at Black Rifle Coffee Company get up to from time to time, Special Operations Forces vs. Sci-Fi is one of the
Without counting Broadway performances, of which there have likely been plenty, there have been a reported 9 movie versions of The Phantom of the Opera, and t
Since the late 2000s, Michael Bay has been at the forefront of the Transformers franchise and has produced five installments of the lucrative series. While th
When most people think of ghosts, something scary is probably the first thing that comes to mind. After all, ghosts are often depicted as being angry and veng
I remember last year in April when a certain movie called Extraction starring Chris Hemsworth came out on Netflix. It didn’t really receive the best rev
Movies founded on a heavy back story are not for the faint of heart. As a viewer, you have to be mentally prepared to go through some challenging scenes, and