Why Was Kylo Ren Topless in Last Jedi? Rian Johnson Explains It

Star Wars

Surprisingly, or maybe not, one of the most controversial topics about Star Wars: The Last Jedi, is not all the questions it raised without answering, but instead the fact that Kylo Ren was shown topless for a scene in which he and Rey were sharing a Force vision. Director Rian Johnson has gone ahead to explain this but many people are still confused as to why Ren was topless in the first place, citing that it made no sense and there was really no reason why it had to happen unless it had to do with something that had occurred before the connection between Ren and Rey was made.

This is what Johnson had to say:

“The idea that, what’s even more uncomfortable having a conversation with a person face to face you don’t want to, is if they’re half-naked during it, while you’re having to do it.”

According to Johnson it’s all about the supposed intimacy of the act and how it seems to expose Kylo just a bit in the metaphorical sense as much as the physical. I do understand the words that are being said and yet it still seems more like Johnson is attempting to change Star Wars in a way that fits his vision more than the actual story. That’s natural however, directors tend to want to tell a story in their voice more often than the voice of the actual tale since they’re the ones at the helm. The scene wasn’t the most horrible thing in the world but it was fairly confusing since there was no reason given for why he was standing topless while experiencing a Force vision.

It had already been established that Rey’s interest in Kylo was in bringing him back to the Light side of the Force, but it would seem that Johnson wants us to think something else entirely. While there might at one point have been just a flicker of something between them in the movie the idea that Rey would go back to try and establish anything with Kylo other than a violent and fitting end is hard if not impossible to fathom. The final Force vision that they experienced was something that spoke volumes about the chasm that has opened up between them and the ideologies that they both follow now.

When the next film hits they are going to be enemies, there’s no doubt about this. But if he comes to her in a Force vision again half-naked then it’s going to seem more like a seduction than an innocent mistake on his part. Remember, Snoke initiated those Force meetings, not Ren. If Kylo grows stronger with the Dark side, and there is every chance he will, then he might be able to create those Force visions by the time the next film rolls around. In any case, shirt or no shirt, the next time that Rey and Kylo manage to match lightsabers with each other should hopefully be an epic fight on the same level as Anakin and Obi-Wan from Revenge of the Sith.

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