Have you ever quoted a movie that you and everyone else you know quotes it exactly the same because it’s common knowledge that this is the correct quote? Of course you have. We all have. But it turns out there are tons of famous movie quotes out there that weren’t even said in the films they are quoted from. Somewhere along the way the line with either embellished or just inserted into the mainstream but a random person, and that quote stuck.
Here’s a great example. Remember the movie Silence of the Lambs? When Hannibal Lecter first meets Clarice what’s the line you always think of? Simple, right? It’s “Hello, Clarice.” You can almost picture Anthony Hopkins saying it in that sinister voice. But there’s only one problem. He never even says “Hello, Clarice.” Not once. Not even when he calls her on the telephone at the end of the movie. So how in the hell did that become an accepted movie quote?
That’s just one example but there are many more out there. Youtube channel “Cinemassacre” takes a look at these quotes in depth with the stories behind them. Have a look below:
This is also only Part 1 in the series.
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