Unraveling the ‘Morbin Time’ Phenomenon: A Deep Dive

Memes are an integral part of pop culture. They can be in different formats from sayings to pictures. The same applies to the origins of memes. As they can come from anything ranging from films to random sayings on social media. Morbin Time is a meme that has recently become popular. 

Morbin time has its roots in the 2022 superhero film Morbius. It has quickly become a saying amongst fans of the film and the superhero genre at large. In this article, we cover what Morbin time means, its origins, and what it means for the Morbius film. 

Origin Of The ‘Morbin Time’ Meme 

Unraveling the ‘Morbin Time’ Phenomenon: A Deep Dive

On the 1st of April, 2022, Morbius debuted in cinemas across the world. It was expected to be one of the highest-grossing films of the year but this quickly turned out to be a pipe dream as the film failed at the box office. Morbius stars Jared Leto in the lead titular role as a sickly man who becomes a doctor and discovers a cure for his ailment. This cure comes at a cost, as it turns him into a bloodlust vampire. There are many things that were wrong with the film-including its story, directing and editing. It not only performed badly in box office sales but with critics as well. In true internet fashion, jokes and memes were made about the film and about the many ways it fails to effectively tell a good and satisfying story. 

One of such jokes and meme was the introduction of a possible catchphrase for Morbius. This catchphrase had its basis in the use of ‘morb’ to describe things related to the film and character. This was applied to the idea of a catchphrase leading to ‘Morbin time’. There have also been other theories on the origin of this phrase. Origins that exist out of the Morbius film. An example of these other theories is that it is similar to the phrase “It’s morphin’ time” which was a catchphrase for tge Power Rangers.

Connection Of Morbin Time To The Morbius Movie

Morbius Razzie Award

Morbin time is connected to the anti-hero film in a couple of ways. The first is in the hope fans of the film have that it be a catchphrase for the character. This led to video edits of Leto saying the phrase and an actual video of the actor making use of the meme as a joke on Twitter

Another connection the meme has to the film is in the similarities it has with the name of the movie. As already established, the first four letters of the phrase are based on the title of the film. While the phrase might have its origins in other TV shows, the meme specifically came to existence and popularity in the wake of Morbius’ release.

Cultural Impact Of The Phrase

Unraveling the ‘Morbin Time’ Phenomenon: A Deep Dive

In spite of its terrible performance at the box office and with critics, the studio decided to re-release the film to cinemas due to its popularity on social media that followed the film’s initial release. The most popular of these memes is Morbin time.  This is one testament to the efficacy of the meme. It had such a great impact that it drove conversations about a film that was mostly performing badly. A conversation that was then misinterpreted to be positive when it was thinly veiled ironic humour at the failings of the film. 

Analysis Of Morbin Time’s Popularity

Unraveling the ‘Morbin Time’ Phenomenon: A Deep Dive

The Morbin time meme was largely popular amongst superhero fans. A fanbase that has had the time to grow and expand over the course of over a decade. There was significant anticipation for Morbius, but sadly the movie did not live up to expectations. Fans took to social media to turn their disappointment into entertainment and jokes. It was on Reddit and Twitter that the meme had the most popularity. A few conversations on the meme also happened on YouTube. The one major reason for the popularity that this meme experienced was because of how little it satisfied audiences and fans. Leto also made a video about it lent credence and some popularity to the meme. 

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