Minnesota Politician Drafts Bill to Ban Bachelor Arie Luyendyk Jr. From His State

This is why some people don’t watch shows like The Bachelor, because it’s too emotionally-charged and it makes you hate people without really knowing them. At least that seems to be the case with one Minnesota politician that’s drafted a bill effectively banning Bachelor Arie Luyendyk Jr. from the state. To be honest what Arie did was pretty raw and worthy of villain status no matter how he wants to spin it. First off the Bachelor is kind of a ridiculous show that pits a group of women against one another for a guy that may or may not be worth it. In the era we’re living in this seems to be kind of contradictory to what women seem to want nowadays. But the group will do whatever they can, pull whatever tricks they have out of their bags, to be the one that finally lands this man at the end of the show.

But then let’s look at it this way. Arie finally wound up with Becca, right? You would think that means that he chose the woman that he wants to be with, that he found his match, that out of all those women that came to the house trying to do whatever it took to get his attention, he’d found THE ONE. You would think that, right? You’d be wrong, because obviously he and Becca are not staying together and she’ll likely be on her way to be the next Bachelorette, where the cycle will begin again. Is anyone else rolling their eyes at this point? You should be since Arie announced his split from Becca publicly on TV and then followed her around looking like a wounded puppy dog when it was pretty obvious that she was ready to slap the eyebrows off his face if he touched her. But the decision to go back to Lauren, a woman who needed to be validated constantly, who could probably stand on her own two feet but still wants someone to support her, over Becca, a woman that’s loving and still capable of standing on her own two feet, is kind of a confusing one.

It says a lot about Arie really since it seems that he likes women that aren’t quite as strong on their own and want someone to reassure them that they’re loved. That seems almost like a controlling aspect, though who’s controlling who is kind of a toss up. But then we get this Minnesota politician that doesn’t like what’s been done to Becca, who happens to be from Minnesota, and decides to take action. Because she’s from the same state and he watches the Bachelor this politician decides to be a man of his word, shocking I know, and has since officially drafted a bill stating that Arie is no longer welcome in Minnesota. Somehow that doesn’t seem like a big punishment since Arie went back to Lauren, but it does seem like someone might be taking the show a little too seriously.

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