Mini-Recap – House 6.05 “Instant Karma”

In the main story arc we have the case of the son of an insanely successful bazillionaire. Jack has suffered from some mystery ailment that has baffled seventeen other doctors. Roy, the dad, has decided that now that his son is getting worse, he needs House to see his kid. House still doesn’t have his license back, so technically Foreman is leading this case. Except that everyone knows he isn’t. The only thing he’s really in charge of is taking the blame if it goes wrong. The team treat the boy for severe constipation, because he is completely impacted. Feeling much, much better (and who wouldn’t?) and joking around with his dad, Jack suddenly starts seizing. Hey, it’s not an episode of House until someone seizes.

They drill a hole in his skull to stop the seizures, and begin treating for first brain cancer, then stomach cancer and then abdominal epilepsy. Roy has decided that he is being punished in his personal life because of his great fortune in his business life. When Jack develops a rash of red marks all over his body, House diagnoses something called Degos disease, which is incurable, and gives Roy the heartbreaking news that Jack has but a day to live. Overwrought with grief, Roy releases all his assets, believing his money to be directly influencing his son’s health. In a striking coincidence, House has a revelation about the symptoms and re-diagnoses Jack with something way different and way, way less life-ending. They change medications and the next day we see House reading a newspaper article about Roy’s financial ruin while the father and not-at-all dead son eat pizza and laugh. Jack is going to be fine.

In the secondary story line, the repercussions of the death of Dibala from last week’s episode are starting to be felt. To catch you up, Chase falsified a test to make it look like the brutal dictator had a particular condition he did not, and the treatment for it killed him. At the time this seemed like a great idea because Dibala basically admitted then when he got home he was going to continue a favorite little policy he has of horrible genocide. By the way, the test was falsified by using someone else’s blood.

Anyway, now they have to do a ‘Morbidity and Mortality’conference and present the case. This may be problematic because some of the test results are blatantly contradictory. If anyone notices then Chase’s murder could be discovered and Foreman could be deemed an accomplice. They scramble around trying to come up with cover stories and dodging Cameron’s questions. Eventually a report materializes that will help to explain the difference in the cholesterol levels. Like, it literally appears attached to the report, placed there by some sort of mysterious guardian angel that we all know is House.

Thirdly, the last story line involves Thirteen, who wants to get away from it all by going to, of course, Thailand. What? Except that her plane reservation was mysteriously cancelled by some sort of evil guardian angel who we all know is House. After confronting House and, for some ridiculous reason believing him when he denies it, she has the hospital IT guys trace it back to Wilson, who takes the blame. Because that’s what he lives for.

Tune in tomorrow for my full recap for ‘Instant Karma’. Because that’s what I live for.

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