credit: MCU
It sounds as though there are people out there who would like to see a Marvel/DC crossover happen finally, but instead of bringing each universe together with several heroes, the idea would be to bring just two of the more popular members together for a movie. Whether that would work or not is hard to say since, right now, it feels more like a pipe dream that might be wanted more by the fans than the heads of either studio. The idea does feel like something that would take a lot of careful maneuvering since, if anyone remembers the deal between Sony and the MCU when it came to Spider-Man, it’s very likely that any deal between the MCU and DCU would take a phenomenal amount of work, and it would need fair-minded writers to figure out how to include both characters in a manner that would show the least amount of bias possible. Barring that, this could be an interesting movie, but it does feel as though it might need to have at least a couple of added elements from each universe just to flesh it out.

credit: DCEU
The reason for the crossover would mostly likely irk a lot of fans.
It doesn’t really matter what the reason would be; it’s fair to say that it would irritate a lot of fans since there’s almost always someone that has something to say about the story and how it came together. But coming up with a reason why the crossover would happen shouldn’t be too tough since Thor is the type of character who would be capable of crossing through the multiverse, considering that he’s done such a thing in the past when he’s ridden his chariot that is pulled by his goats. Now that the goats are MCU canon, it would make sense that he would be able to cross the dimensional barriers that keep the DCU and the MCU apart. Somehow though, it does feel as though someone would come up with something that might make far less sense and would earn a serious rebuke from the DC and Marvel fans, some of whom are into both franchises.
This probably wouldn’t settle the debate of who’s stronger.
Most people are willing to agree that Thor could thump Aquaman since, like it or not, Thor is a god, even if Aquaman is the king of Atlantis. Aquaman controls a kingdom and the seven seas. Thor could crack the world in half if he really let loose with his full power. Trying to say that Aquaman could win a fight between these two is kind of ridiculous, but seeing as how the MCU has adjusted Thor’s power and the DCEU has turned Arthur Curry into a badass, it could mean that the fight would be a little closer. But then again, firing a massive bolt of lightning into the water at the right time does make it easy to believe that Thor would take this fight without question. Still, the point of this would likely be to bring the heroes together to solve a shared problem. There’s not much doubt that they would become a bit aggressive since both men aren’t always known for holding their tempers. Still, it does feel as though they would resolve their differences after a short time in order to join forces.

credit: MCU
A crossover would need to be executed with near perfection.
This is way too easy to say, but the truth is that it would need to be handled in a manner that would benefit both franchises and show that they could work together for a common goal. Trying to put one ahead of the other wouldn’t do much good since the truth is that the MCU and the DCU are both well-liked by the fans, and there are a lot of people that enjoy both since the idea is that there’s no need for competition, as both can be appreciated for what they bring to their fans. Sure, it’s easy to bicker about which heroes and villains are better, but at the end of the day, it’s all entertainment, and it should be about enjoyment.
Seeing Thor and Aquaman fight and then work together would be interesting.
Imagining the two individuals slugging it out for a while before realizing that they’re on the same side would be fun since fights that occur in both of their movies are rather cool. Seeing them use their powers against each other would be great since one has to imagine that the power of the seas would be an impressive thing to watch. But seeing them unload on a shared enemy would be insanely cool, not to mention impressive. Just imagine Arthur capturing an enemy in a sudden flood and Thor electrocuting them. Wow, that might be kind of dark.
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