10 Things You Didn’t Know About Mark Moses

Mark Moses

Mark Moses is an American actor who is best known as Paul Young, a character he played on “Desperate Housewives.” Another popular role was as “Herman Phillips on the cable television series “Mad Men,” as well as multiple other roles. He’s been an actor for decades and throughout the years he’s amassed a huge following of fans who love to hear more about him. While investigating his successful career we made some great discoveries to share with you. Here are 10 things that you might not know about Mark Moses.

1. His Birthday

Mark Moses looks great as he enters his sixth decade of living. He was born on February 24th in 1958. He has a birthday coming up soon, and will then turn 62. He was born in New York City, but his family raised him in the city of Evanston, Illinois. The family relocated to Saint Louis, MO, when he was a teenager, but Mark wanted to finish high school in Evanston so he stayed with some friends of the family until graduation.

2. Mark played football

When Mark Moses was in high school, he joined the Evanston Township High School varsity football team. He was the quarterback of the team. He was athletic as a teenager. He also played football for the upstate New York college football team at Ithaca.

3. He went to college after high school

After graduating from high school, Mark enrolled in classes at Ithaca College in New York. His first choice was in the study of English. He completed a year of college towards his degree but left school so he could take some time out to travel, without completing the degree. Sometime later, he returned to school, this time enrolling in courses at New York University’s Tisch School of Arts. He graduated with his BFA degree in theater.

4. Mark is a stage actor

Right after graduating with his degree in theater, Moses landed a role in the Broadway production of “Slab Boys.” His first acting experiences were on the stage. He worked with Kevin Bacon and Sean Penn in this theatrical production. He also worked in several regional theaters off-Broadway when he was just getting started as a professional actor.

5. He was a favorite of Oliver Stone

Mark Moses was fortunate to meet Oliver Stone in his theater endeavors. The legendary film director cast him in his Academy Award-winning project “Platoon,” in the role of Lt. Wolfe. This was an excellent introduction to the world of film and the big screen. Stone also cast Moses in “The Doors,” in 1991 and “Born on the Fourth of July,” which was nominated for an Academy Award.

6. Moses co-starred in plenty of successful movies

Oliver Stone gave Mark Moses the exposure that he needed to boost his career. He was cast in a variety of strong supporting roles in some of the bigger films with notable directors. Some of these included “Someone to Watch Over Me,” “Gettysburg,” “Rough Riders,” “Letters from Iwo Jima,” “Dead or Alive,” “Deep Impact,” “Swing Vote,” “Big Momma’s House 2,” and “Fear Inc.” just to name a few. You might remember him in at least some of these roles. Although he’s played a lot of supporting roles, his performances have been generally significant and memorable. His acting skills are excellent and this is one of the reasons why directors were so happy to cast him in significant supporting roles in their films. He’s an asset on the set and contributes to the overall success of any movie he appears in, regardless of the size of the role.

7. Mark has appeared in numerous television series

Moses has had a very successful career in film, mostly with supporting roles, but he has also landed a lot of gigs in guest appearances and recurring roles in television series’. He landed the role of Duck Philips in “Mad Men,” and also appeared in “Homeland,” “Desperate Housewives,” “Law & Order,” “Blue Bloods,” Key and Peele,” “Criminal Minds,” and in many other television series. His face is familiar even to those who are not necessarily fans because he has been involved in so many different television and film projects.

8. He is married with a family

One of the most common questions that fans have regarding their favorite celebrity personalities is their marital/dating status. Mark Moses is currently married. His wife is Annie LaRussa, who is also in the entertainment industry. Annie is an actress and a playwright. The couple has two children who complete their family. Walker and Zane are the names of their sons. Although Hollywood tends to have a devastating effect on marriages, Mark and Annie have done very well in maintaining a strong and happy relationship.

9. There is some misinformation in the news about Mark

We were interested in finding out how Mark Moses has fared in securing his financial future as he nears potential retirement age. We checked out several different resources that listed his net worth at between $2 million to a little more than that. While this is significant net worth, for the amount of time that he’s been in the acting industry, and the scope of roles in blockbuster films, it somehow didn’t sound right. There are a lot of mixed messages out there and we learned that most sources that discuss his true net worth are incorrect, so we went with a more reliable resource.

10. His net worth is estimated at $275 million

Mark Moses had a downturn in his career in 2017, but it didn’t take long for him to rise to the top again and according to People With Money reports, he is one of the highest-paid actors in the world. He brought in a reported $96 million from 2018 through 2019. In addition to this, he also has stock investments that have paid off well for him, as well as endorsements for CoverGirl cosmetics, substantial property holdings, and he is also the owner of several restaurants in Washington. He is also of the New York Angels Football team, and he has his brand of vodka called Pure Wondermoses – US. Finally, he has a perfume line that is called WithLove from Mark and a line of fashion clothing and accessories he calls Mark Moses Seduction.

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