LOST — Mikhail Mystery To Be Solved

Remember Mikhail Bakunin? I’m sure you do. He was the one-eyed Other who simply wouldn’t die. That is, of course, until he blew himself up with a grenade, blowing a hole in the side of the Looking Glass and drowning Charlie Pace, though blowing himself to bits in the process.
We never really find out why the character, dubbed by fans as “Patchy,” came to wear that defining patch. In fact, all we really know about his missing eye is that he’s got some massive scarring over his right eye, but that’s all. We don’t know whether it was ripped out by the smoke monster or jabbed out by a billiards stick.
Well, for those of you who have been losing sleep over the possibility that this mystery will never be solved, you can rest easy now. You have Michael Ausiello of Entertainment Weekly to thank for this bit of news.
“Ever wonder how Mikhail lost his right eye?” Ausiello teased. “You’re about to find out!” Though Ausiello wasn’t willing to part with the specifics, he did state that “*** knows.”
Ausiello is known for replacing important facts with asterisks, giving viewers only a taste of a potentially big revelation.
So who is this mysterious ***? All signs point to Ben, the former leader of the Others with a three-letter first name. He seems like he’d be the one to know all out Mikhail losing an eye — after all, there isn’t much about the others he doesn’t know.
Who else could *** be? Well, there’s the deceased Other Tom Friendly (M.C. Gainey), who has been theorized to have been on the Island since the DHARMA times (a background character at the DHARMA motor pool sported the nametag Tom and looked sort of like a younger version of Mr. Friendly). This placement would make Tom one of the few defectors to the Others from DHARMA, and possibly make him aware of Mikhail’s predicament, considering Mikhail came to Island in the early 1990’s. So unless Mr. *** is someone we don’t know, it’s likely that Ausiello is referring to Ben, or maybe even Tom.
LOST’s sixth season is set to premiere on February 2, 2010. We already know that a great deal of old faces will be coming back as a result of the great big reset, including Keamy and Omar, the mercenaries from season four, along with Mikhail.
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About SpoilerGuy
Spoiler Guy is the TVOvermind inside information specialist. He’s made his living at creating a long list of contacts throughout tinsletown and loves to share the spoilery bits of knowledge he finds with you, our readers. Spoiler Guy prefers to keep his true identity a secret, but you can follow his updates on twitter @SpoilerGuy and email any scoops to SpoilerGuy@tvovermind.com.

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