Ken Jeong Added Inside Jokes to “The Hangover” to Cheer Up his Wife Battling Cancer

Ken Jeong Added Inside Jokes to “The Hangover” to Cheer Up his Wife Battling Cancer

Breast cancer is one of the worst thing a woman could ever go through and is beyond hard on the women that undergo the treatments and the pain and the suffering that comes with it. But while this is horrible, and it is without a doubt, the lives of the people that take care of those afflicted with such cancer are also impacted a great deal as they must watch and support their loved ones while seeing just what kind of damage is being done in the process. Despite the hardships his wife Tran went through, Ken Jeong still managed to use his role as Mr. Chow in The Hangover to cheer up his ailing wife. Through this method he managed to ease her burden as well as his own through a liberal application of humor.

Throughout the movie you might notice Ken taking the time to blurt out a little something here and there, most of those phrases he admits were in Vietnamese, and they were complete nonsense. The idea was that he was bringing a sort of dark comedy not only to relieve the burden he was under but also to cheer up his wife and ease her pain just a little through laughter. Sometimes it’s the only medicine that you don’t have to prescribe to enjoy.

If you remember Mr. Chow then you can recall that he was not a pleasant character most times and did not seem to care about anybody. Ken Jeong had to pull this character from a very dark place he stated and it had to be something that could add to the film and at the same time be so over the top as to be funny. He even took the time to ask his wife about his nude scene in the film when he popped out of the trunk, which is touching really and kind of funny because Tran was completely okay with and supported him the entire way, just as he’d been supporting her.

The idea of true partnership in a marriage is that both spouses look out for one another and provide for each other even when support and love are all that can be given. That’s a real marriage and it’s what Ken and Tran have for each other that has lasted through her cancer, which has apparently not reappeared, and through the years following during which she has continued to be his support just as he’s been hers. That’s what it means to be truly in love with someone, to take whatever is ailing them and create something positive out of it no matter how dark it becomes.

Ken Jeong has become one of the funniest actors in Hollywood despite the fact that his role in the Hangover trilogy was so inherently dark and self-destructive. Given that he is a family man and a person that enjoys life the amount of darkness he had to let out must have been considerable. At the very least he knew how to spin it in a way that made everyone, including his wife, laugh.



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