Julia Roberts’ Nerves on the Set of Friends: A Look Back at Her Memorable Guest Appearance

In 1996, Julia Roberts was already one of Hollywood’s biggest stars, renowned for her role in Pretty Woman. Yet, when she guest-starred on NBC’s hit sitcom Friends, she experienced an unexpected bout of stage fright. This surprising revelation comes from the show’s director, Michael Lembeck, who described Roberts as embodying “stage fright in real life” despite her superstar status.

Roberts’ guest appearance on Friends saw her joining the beloved cast in a two-part episode titled The One After the Super Bowl. Despite her initial nerves, she delivered a memorable performance as Susie Moss, a childhood classmate of Matthew Perry’s character, Chandler Bing. This episode has since become iconic, showcasing Roberts’ ability to adapt to television’s unique demands while maintaining her star power.


Julia Roberts and Matthew Perry on Friends

Julia Roberts’ Nerves on the Set of Friends: A Look Back at Her Memorable Guest Appearance

Roberts appeared in a two-episode arc during the show’s second season, specifically in the episodes titled “The One After the Super Bowl.” She played Susie, a childhood classmate of Matthew Perry‘s character, Chandler Bing. The storyline saw Susie, whom Chandler had once embarrassed in school, seeking her revenge by tricking him into a humiliating situation.

Julia Roberts Overcomes Stage Fright on Friends Set

Julia Roberts’ Nerves on the Set of Friends: A Look Back at Her Memorable Guest Appearance

Lembeck, in an interview with the Los Angeles Times, recounted how Roberts, whom he called: ‘the biggest star in the world at the moment‘, was visibly anxious during the shoot. He mentioned that she hadn’t performed on stage since she was 15, which contributed to her nerves. He shared a memorable moment from the shooting days:

“The night of the shoot, we held hands and we were just watching the process, and I thought, ‘I am going to get gangrene if she squeezes my right hand any tighter.’ That was just anxiety, you know, stage fright in real life.”

Memorable Performance

Julia Roberts

Despite her initial anxiety, Roberts delivered a memorable performance. According to Entertainment Weekly, she effectively played Susie, who exacted her revenge on Chandler by leaving him stranded in a restaurant bathroom wearing only her underwear. This performance was well-received by both the live studio audience and viewers at home.

Director Praises Julia Roberts for Overcoming Nerves and Nailing Her Role

Julia Roberts’ Nerves on the Set of Friends: A Look Back at Her Memorable Guest Appearance

Lembeck recalled how Roberts’ nerves dissipated as she got into the groove of performing.

“She was doing the scene, and she got her first and a second laugh. And Matthew flubs a line, and the audience loves it. You can see her whole posture change, and you see this bubble come up over her head: ‘Oh, yeah, I know this. I remember how to do this.’ And then she just became a beast in her subsequent scenes”

Julia Robert’s Down-to-Earth Attitude

Julia Roberts’ Nerves on the Set of Friends: A Look Back at Her Memorable Guest Appearance

Roberts’ behavior on set was far from the diva antics one might expect from a major movie star. Lembeck noted that Roberts was very down-to-earth and enjoyed her time working with the cast, including Perry, Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, Matt LeBlanc, and David Schwimmer. He shared his exact thoughts:

“The first time I saw her, I walked by Julia. I didn’t know it was her. [She had] stringy hair; maybe just woke up with no makeup, taller than expected—but what a doll. She laughed during the week harder than anybody. She had so much fun”

Roberts’ stint on Friends remains a fond memory for fans, showcasing her versatility and ability to transition seamlessly between film and television. Her performance as Susie Moss not only added to the show’s rich tapestry of guest appearances but also highlighted her ability to tackle different acting challenges with grace and humor.

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