Credit: @conniebritton
Disney is a lot of things, but we can say with certainty that they are casting professionals. They know who the world wants to see in a role even before the world knows who they want to see in a role. For example, did you know that the House of Mouse is currently discussing things like a remake of Witch Mountain? And that they are throwing around names such as Connie Britton and Bryce Dallas Howard? We know that these are two women who are nothing short of phenomenal in any role they take on, but we would love to see Connie Britton in a Disney role. She’s a star, and she brings it to every role. What is the rumor, and how do we find out if it’s true?
It’s All Rumor Right Now
The truth of the matter is that everything is currently a rumor. There is nothing going on that indicates this is set in stone, but here is what we do know. Number one, we do know that there is a chance that Disney wants to see Connie Britton play the role of Dr. Louise Schoolcraft. The good doctor is not always so good in the way that you might expect, but she is always good for the drama. So far, everything is a rumor. It is unconfirmed, but we do know that the rumors state Disney is working with Britton trying to get her to take on this role. Will she?
Connie Britton’s Best Roles
Connie Britton has been acting since the mid-90s, but she really came into prominence in 1996 and again in the 2000s when she starred in the hit show Spin City and Friday Night Lights. FNL is just one of the many roles that earned her an Emmy nomination for being the best of the best. She’s got a gift for taking on roles like the one she played in this show, too. She spent 76 episodes playing Tami Taylor in FNL, and fans loved it.
Back to Spin City. For 100 episodes from 1996 until 2000, Connie Britton took on the role of Nikki Faber. She was a fan favorite in the hugely popular sitcom, and it brought her a lot of fame. Though there were several years between her Spin City role and her FNL role, she knew that she couldn’t just take on any role and be all right with it. She’s an actress who knows a good character when she sees one. This is why it only took her a year between Friday Night Lights and Nashville, and we maintain that Nashville is one of her best performances.

Credit: @conniebritton
Rayna James, country music superstar extraordinaire. Wife, mother, and so many other things. What we love so much about this character is that Connie Britton did her own singing. She plays one of the world’s most famous country music singers in this show, and she uses her own voice. Why she’s not gone into the music industry is a mystery. Her husband doesn’t love her any longer; she’s still in love with her damaged ex (who also happens to be the father of her oldest child…her husband knows this but has always raised this child as his own and does not want anyone to find out that he is not her biological father).
Rayna is no longer at the top of her game after two decades. Her label is pushing her to work with a new young singer who hates her and wants nothing to do with her, and everyone is against her. The world is not her oyster after two decades of being exactly that. She doesn’t know how to handle this, and she struggles. The role of Rayna was made specifically for Connie Britton – and she puts her best into this role. She is, perhaps, the best of the best in this show.
Will She Do It?

Credit: @conniebritton
Connie Britton doesn’t need to work for a role. She’s the kind of actress who has roles made specifically for her and the talents she has, but it seems Disney is working hard to bring her on board. What does this mean? Well, it doesn’t mean anything. Either she will do it, or she will not. The thing about Britton, though, is that she is not known for taking on roles just to have a job. She thinks about them, and she chooses carefully. This is why she is the best of the best, and this is why she’s regularly nominated for Emmy Awards. She doesn’t do a subpar job, and she doesn’t take on a subpar character. She’s Connie Britton, after all.
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