Is Aaron Taylor Johnson Right For James Bond?

Has Barbara Broccoli finally found her James Bond? It’s been three years since the era of Daniel Craig‘s James Bond came to an end. Since then, things have been pretty quiet about the future of the character itself; though it was made clear that James Bond would make his return someday. Broccoli has stated that she was simply figuring out the next step for James Bond and there hasn’t been any serious consideration for a certain actor. That may have changed in the last couple of months.

It’s been reported by Variety and other big news outlets that Aaron Taylor-Johnson has been offered a contract to play James Bond. There’s been no confirmation that Johnson has signed onto the role just yet. There’s been some mixed reaction over Johnson possibly becoming the next James Bond. Given the history of the character, is the Kick-Ass star truly the right name to carry the brand forward?

Aaron-Taylor Johnson Is No Stranger To Action and Drama

Aaron Taylor-Johnson in The Wall (2017)

Aaron-Taylor Johnson has been in the business for over 20 years, but Kick-Ass is the film that audiences started to take notice of the actor. Since then, Johnson has played a diverse set of roles; whether it’s dramatic (Savages, Nocturnal Animals) or action-oriented, the 33-year-old has showcased his acting chops that prove he’s a solid performer. His most impressive roles are The Wall, Nocturnal Animals, and Bullet Train; it forced the actor out of his comfort zone and he gave performances that were relatively grounded, yet still played with the lines of each role.

There’s no telling what this new version of James Bond will be. Daniel Craig’s version was very serious and dour, though it wasn’t short on action. The Daniel Craig era arguably had the most diverse version of Bond yet. He wasn’t just a super spy and playboy, he developed into an emotional soul that was often scarred by his past. It’s doubtful that the next James Bond will follow the same path as Daniel Craig’s version, but the key part is that the actor has some great dramatic chops as a performer.

James Bond is an action franchise first and foremost. Johnson has proven time and time again that he has the physical prowess to step up to whatever challenge he’s been given.

Bringing In The Young Actor Allows Filmmakers To Tell A Different James Bond Story

Aaron Taylor-Johnson in Bullet Train (2022)

What’s great about this potential casting is that it would be different from previous generations. While suggestions of Henry Cavill, Tom Hardy, and Idris Elba were novel ideas, it’s possible that the series would’ve focused on the same elements of the past that made James Bond a hit. I don’t think that Bond should change his core characteristics, but I also don’t feel that every incarnation of the character should be the same. Hiring a young Bond could give us some unique storytelling opportunities such as him being a rookie and still trying to understand the world of 007.

Of course, it doesn’t have to just be from that perspective. It can go back to the more action/adventure tone before Daniel Craig with a few new wrinkles that make this Bond stand out. Johnson won’t be the youngest Bond – that honor goes to George Lazenby at age 29 – but he was only in the franchise for one film, so he didn’t get a string of films that allowed his Bond to tell such a story.

Broccoli likely wanted to go with a younger Bond so they could have someone play the character for a lengthy period. Whatever the case may be, the character must develop throughout the series. That’s what was best about the Daniel Craig version, every mission impacted his psyche and changed him to the man that we saw in No Time to Die. I don’t personally feel that Bond needs to be super serious again, but if it’s a genuinely compelling story then it won’t particularly matter.

Is Aaron-Taylor Johnson The Right Choice For Bond?

Aaron Taylor-Johnson in Godzilla (2014)

I’ll take a wait-and-see approach to the veteran. Though talented, Johnson was never in my top five of Bond’s choices. However, there’s simply no denying his acting ability. Johnson has showcased that he has the charisma and charm to be the face of Bond, yet it’s never unbelievable that he can kick some major butt on the big screen. He certainly has the potential to be a great Bond, especially if the material is great.

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