Here’s What We Can Expect from Rick and Morty Season 5

Here’s What We Can Expect from Rick and Morty Season 5

Rick and Morty were approved for a whopping 70 more episodes a while back, so season 5 is going to be yet another 10 that will be filling out the story as it continues to take the various twists and turns that it’s already explored in great detail. At this time though there’s not a lot to say about season 5, or that’s actually being said according to Gael Fashingbauer Cooper of CNet, as there’s not a wealth of detail that’s being released. What there is to tell is that it sounds as though the next season won’t be split as the fourth season was, thereby making certain that if we’re still dealing with the coronavirus at that time there will be a chance that we’ll get to see the season in its entirety. Plus, the idea that the show will be worked on in Canada, which apparently has fewer restrictions as it would appear, might be seen as an added benefit. One thing that fans don’t really need to worry about is whether or not the show will come back at all. So far fans of the show have remained loyal and steadfast for various reasons and have continued make the show increasingly popular, so it’s bound to happen that season 5 will keep that same trend or even welcome a few new fans as younger generations start to take note of Rick and Morty.

There is a widespread rumor that Corey Plante of Inverse and many others are spreading, that the season 4 finale, which just aired recently, could set up season 5 in a big way. From a personal standpoint the show is a ball of crazy that continues to build even as fans unravel it to see what else is in there, making it kind of like a prize that keeps on giving. There are definite recurring themes that people have enjoyed and that the creators have figured out work better than others, but the ongoing decision to keep the show moving forward and allowing it to get continually more crazy is great for fans since it means that they’ll have something to look forward to for at least six more seasons after the next one if the ten-episode format is adhered to with each new season. It’s still hard to get into the show for some folks but it’s easy enough to see the fascination with it since cartoons for adults are at times a bit difficult to get used to but they do appeal to a very immature nature while at the same time inspiring people to be imaginative, creative, and to deal with very adult situations and themes that might otherwise be missing in shows that are designed with children in mind. Anyone letting their kids watch this show might get frowned upon, but at the very least it is inventive when it comes to the pop culture aspect, so long as kids are taught that the show is no more real than any other cartoon and the lack of morals and comedy aren’t wise to emulate in the real world. You know, common sense type stuff.

Fans will likely be looking forward to what’s going to happen next since season 4 left them with a few questions that have yet to be answered according to David Opie of DigitalSpy. One thing that a lot of Rick and Morty fans have learned to deal with however is a truly crazed and out there explanation of how things tend to run with Rick around, and while a lot of people in the show appear to be fed up with his attitude and his ways it’s likely that even if he does change, things will somehow stay the same or revert back to the way they were in the first place since having Rick change in such a fundamental way doesn’t sound like something that’s going to keep the show running as well as it has been for so long. Toxic characters such as Rick are hard to figure out in animated form or live action since their creation makes it clear that someone out there recognizes that toxic people can be amusing if they’re shown in a certain light, but the truth of it is that when we see them in real life a lot of people tend to ignore or seek to discredit them unless said people are able to fulfill a need that others need or want. Rick might have his uses, that much is obvious, but he’s definitely the kind of guy that even a family member might cut loose after a while since dealing with his nonsense so often would be a little much for anyone. But for a few years now people have idolized Rick and Morty and have taken their love of the show to new heights that have confused some people and converted others. Season five is bound to do more of the same.

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