Great Explanation into Why “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia” is Still So Funny

There are very few comedies that last on television for more than five seasons let alone ten.  The reason is because shows get stale.  It’s not even their fault.  We get so used to the characters that it’s truly difficult to continue laughing at the same stuff week after week.  Cartoons are a little different in that the characters never age so it’s a little bit easier to “put up with them for longer.”  I cite shows like South Park and The Simpsons which are still as funny as they’ve ever been.  But even those shows aren’t as widely watched as they used to be.  Why?  Because like I said, we’re so used to them.

When it comes to “human being” comedies, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia still remains one of the funniest shows on television and it’s been that way for 12 years.   If you were to watch an episode in this season as opposed to season 1 you’d find it just as fresh.   But why?

There are many reasons why this is the case, but in this video a Youtuber wanted to explore the idea of character, specifically character backstory in relation to their parents, and a common TV sitcom trope that the show uses to their advantage. It’s these small details that really sell the characters, and why the show is still so effective.


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