General Hospital Spoilers: Michael Receives a Disturbing Call

General Hospital Spoilers: Michael Receives a Disturbing Call

General Hospital fans know things are taking a very interesting turn for the worse for Michael. He’s going to get a phone call that makes him feel unsettled and upset — and we wonder what it is. He is Sonny’s kid, so it could be anything related to his father and the business or his own business, but we have a feeling it’s going to be something that pertains to Nelle. She’s been lying repeatedly to him, and we still don’t believe she’s having a baby.

But we have a feeling that whatever call he gets is going to clue him into this and make things very awkward. He won’t like it. But he might not believe it, either. There is a good chance these two might end up in a very upsetting conversation before much longer, and we can’t figure out if that is a good thing or not. There is no good reason they shouldn’t have a situation like this one coming at them, and we can’t help but wonder how it will all play out in the end.

There is a lot he wants to know from her, but there’s very little he’s sure he believes when she speaks. She’s not forthcoming, and there is nothing she can make him believe. She’s created this mess for herself, and everyone else is tired of her dragging Michael into it every single time she has the chance. She’s a disaster, and we think it’s time for her to move on.

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