Five Things You Didn’t Know about History Channel’s “The Warfighters”

Five Things You Didn’t Know about History Channel’s “The Warfighters”

For those who are interested in learning about U.S. special forces, there is The Warfighters, which can be found on History. Made with the involvement of numerous veterans, the docu-series is centered around the efforts of U.S. special forces in recent times, meaning a particular focus on the War on Terror.

Here are five things that you may or may not have known about The Warfighters:

Hosted by Peter Berg

One of the executive producers for The Warfighters is Peter Berg, who has been involved in numerous productions in a wide range of roles over the course of his career. Some examples range from directing Friday Night Lights and acting in Chicago Hope to directing Hancock and Deepwater Horizon. Besides serving as executive producer for The Warfighters, Berg is one of its two hosts as well.

Hosted by Bert Kuntz

Speaking of which, the other host is Bert Kuntz is an ex-Green Beret. For those who are unsure of the exact meaning of the term, a Green Beret is a nickname for a member of the Special Forces of the U.S. Army, which came into existence because of their headgear. Since The Warfighters is centered around the efforts of U.S. special forces in recent times, this makes Kuntz an excellent choice for hosting the docu-series.

Covers a Number of Special Forces

With that said, it should be noted that The Warfighters is not restricted to focusing on the Green Berets but also covers other U.S. special forces, with examples ranging from U.S. Army Rangers to U.S. Navy Seals. After all, all of these organizations have been involved in the War on Terror, meaning that it makes sense for a docu-series meant to provide an in-depth look of their experiences to cover all of their activities.

Uses a Combination of Material

Each episode of The Warfighters tells its tale using a combination of material to produce the desired effect. For example, the docu-series makes extensive use of interviews with members and ex-members of U.S. special forces, thus providing said individuals with the chance to tell their own stories to the intended viewers. Furthermore, The Warfighters uses not just cinematic sequences for dramatic effect but also a combination of both real pictures and footage from operations.

Covers a Wide Range of Stories

Since The Warfighters is intended to provide an in-depth look at the experiences of U.S. special forces members in the War on Terror, it should come as no surprise to learn that it covers a wide range of stories. Examples range from the rescue of a missing U.S. Navy Seal that turns into an ambush to a team of U.S. Army Rangers conducting a covert mission to eliminate high-ranking members of a terrorist cell. With that said, one of the most interesting stories might be that of the U.S. Army Ranger who found renewed purpose in dog handling, which is not just a reminder of the challenges faced by the people who make an appearance in the docu-series but also of the age-old bond between humans and our canine companions.

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