Is Netflix’s “Twentysomethings: Austin” Worth Watching?

Is Netflix’s “Twentysomethings: Austin” Worth Watching?

Over the last several years, Netflix has really stepped it up on the original content department. In addition to great scripted movies and series, the streaming platform has also released some very successful reality shows. Twentysomethings: Austin is one of the latest reality shows to hit Netflix, and it quickly earned a spot in the top 10. The show follows the lives of eight people in their 20s who have relocated to Austin, TX in hopes of starting a new chapter in life. They are all trying to figure things out as they go along, while also trying to navigate relationships. If you haven’t gotten a chance to see the show yet, you may be wondering if it’s even worth your time. While the decision is ultimately up to you, there are some things that could sway you in either direction. Should you watch Twentysomethings: Austin? Let’s talk about it.

Twentysomethings: Austin Might As Well Be The Real World

When it comes to reality TV, MTV’s The Real World is definitely the OG. The series debuted in 1992 and followed the lives of strangers who were picked to live in a house together. Every season of the show took place in a different city, and the cast members were also in their 20s. Twentysomethings: Austin essentially follows the same format, except this time, male and female cast members don’t live under the same roof. Instead, they are next-door neighbors. Another key difference is that the cast members from Twentysomethings: Austin seem to be hoping to relocate to Austin permanently as opposed to just being there while the show is being filmed. As a result, they are responsible for finding their own jobs.

Why You Should Watch The Show

For starters, if you were a fan of The Real World then you’ll probably enjoy Twentysomethings: Austin. The cast members are interesting (even though some of them get much more screen time than others) and there is enough drama to keep you entertained. People who are in their 20s will probably find the show especially relatable because the cast members are dealing with some pretty universal things. However, even if your 20s are long gone, you might feel some much-appreciated nostalgia from watching the show. If you’re looking for something light-hearted to add to your watchlist, Twentysomethings: Austin could be a great option.

Why You Might Want To Pass

Interestingly enough, the fact that Twentysomethings: Austin is so similar to The Real World is also one of the things that makes it difficult to get into. If you were a fan of The Real World, it’s going to be hard not to compare the two, and Twentysomethings just doesn’t really hold up next to The Real World. Plus, a lack of originality is usually a turn-off for most people. However, if you’re able to view Twentysomethings as its own show (which you should), you can probably get past this. One of the biggest downsides to the show, however, is that we don’t ever really get to know much about the cast members. It appears that they only get significant camera time when they’re hooking up with someone which sometimes makes the show a little boring. This also means that all of the drama centers around sex and relationships.

For example, Roxy initially seemed like she was going to be a very interesting cast member, but she hardly got any camera time until she started hooking up with a castmate. It would’ve been nice to see more focus on their careers and individual interests. That isn’t to say that those things aren’t included at all, but they are always glossed over. Another issue with the show is that it isn’t really about anything, and there are some episodes where it seems like producers were running a little low on content. The fact that the cast members were working separate jobs also meant they had less time to spend together which may have limited filming opportunities. Additionally, the first season felt a little rush. It only consisted of 12 30 minute episodes. The show could’ve easily gone on for much longer if the focus was placed on something other than relationships.

What’s Next for Twentysomethings?

Overall, Twentysomethings is a decent show with lots of potential. It’s definitely not great, but it could be if a few tweaks are made. As of now, Twentysomethings: Austin hasn’t been renewed for a second season. However, due to its popularity, it seems likely that the show will be given another chance. If the show does return, though, viewers can expect that there will be an entirely new cast. There is also a possibility that Twentysomethings will take another page out of The Real World’s book by eventually expanding to include other cities.The Real World

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