Five Things You Didn’t Know about Dean S. Jagger

Dean S. Jagger is the kind of guy that has seen a lot and done even more in his career. At one point he was digging trenches to pay for acting, while at another he was working in a mattress factory. He’s the kind of actor that’s not afraid to roll his sleeves up and get dirty for what he wants and that makes him perhaps one of the most awesome guys on the planet. Oh, and he had a part in Game of Thrones as well as Smalljon Umber, which is a role that carries some impact in the show and makes him even more awesome. Do we need to go on just how great this guy is?

Yes, yes we do.

5. He used to be a professional extreme sports athlete.

If you wanted to think that he was tough as nails already then you can add being skilled when it comes to putting his body on the line as well. Extreme sports athletes are known for taking themselves to the limits and then surpassing them as a point of pride and just the sheer heck of it. Their entire existence at times seems to be balanced on whether or not they can land a trick or survive the next few seconds.

4. He began acting in school productions at the age of 14. 

Eventually he became adamant about acting but he did have to work for it like so many others. In some cases he literally had to work for it since he needed the money to afford acting classes. He did what he could and made his dream happen however so there’s no doubting his tenacity or the will he had to keep moving forward.

3. He was a pro skater at one time.

From extreme sports to being a pro skater isn’t too much of a jump but it’s still something special when you take a look at some of the things these people can do. Jagger was known to compete in the X-Games at one point and while he wasn’t one of the best known names on the course he obviously had the skills to compete and not embarrass himself while he was out doing tricks.

2. He started training in MMA at 25.

And as if the guy weren’t impressive enough already he decided to go into MMA and mix it up with guys that are training full out and going as hard as they can to get noticed. MMA fighters are no joke since they can’t be just about one discipline most of the time, they have to know at least two or three just to get by. Jagger became certified at Jiu Jitsu at one point so that means he’s one bad, bad man.

1. He’s studied Reiki.

Yes, he gets even more awesome since Reiki is the Japanese art of healing and meditation. His mother is actually a Reiki master which is where he took the interest from. So he’s been able to compete in the X-Games, bang with MMA fighters, and now learn how to meditate and possibly channel the healing energy of his own body.

This is not a guy that likes to sit still it seems.

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