Five Things You Didn’t Know About Charlotte Beaumont

Five Things You Didn’t Know About Charlotte Beaumont

One of the most controversial aspects of the entertainment industry in recent years has been the lack of strong roles for women. With trailblazers like Viola Davis, Brie Larson, and Emma Stone leading the way, deeper and more important female characters have become common. One young actress who is a part of this new wave is the highly talented Charlotte Beaumont.

Beaumont, although only 21 years of age, has appeared in some of the biggest productions in television and film in the past several years. She has won many fans with her appearances in Eastenders, Broadchurch, and Jupiter Ascending. However, many people know her only through her performances. Her personal life and background are also highly interesting. Here are five of the most interesting facts about Charlotte Beaumont.

5. She has theater experience

Naturally, Beaumont is best known for her incredible performances in film and television shows. However, she gained a great deal of acting experience in her youth by performing on stage. She appeared on stage at the Finborough Theatre and The Bush. She even performed with Joseph Fiennes in 2,000 Feet Away in 2008. While her focus is now on film and television, she clearly gained valuable experience performing in theater.

4. Her parents helped her acting career

Having supportive parents is an asset for any actor. Having parents who run a theater company is something else altogether. Beaumont was extremely lucky in that her parents ran the Blag Youth Theatre. Here, she performed in many productions, honing her skills and developing her passion from a young age.

3. She was paid to keep secrets in Broadchurch

Broadchurch is nearly as famous for the secrecy of its production as it is for the show itself. The creators went to great lengths to ensure that plot details could not be leaked, including writing multiple scripts and using watermarks. While they took secrecy very seriously, it was not without a sense of humor. Beaumont was reportedly paid a single pound to keep a surprise in the plot secret.

2. She is very dedicated to her performances

It would be easy for an actor with the skills of Beaumont to coast by on natural talent. However, she is extremely professional and is committed to delivering outstanding performances. One of the most notable examples of this is in The Windmill Massacre, a horror film in which Beaumont played an Australian character. She spent a great deal of time working with a voice coach, listening to recordings, and seeking out help whenever possible. Her efforts were praised by Nick Jongerius, the director of the movie.

1. She cares a great deal about the quality of her characters

Being a young actor, one might assume that Beaumont takes any high profile role offered to her. This is not the case, as she is selective about the roles she takes. She prefers to portray women who are strong, layered, and not simply passive objects for men to act with. She stated that prior to appearing in The Windmill Massacre, she read for several other movies and had to decline because of the quality of the characters.


Charlotte Beaumont is an exceptionally talented, hard working, and mature young actor. She has delivered incredible performances in both films and television shows. However, she is selective about the productions she acts in, as she will only portray women who are interesting and valuable to the plot. With more actors like Beaumont emerging, the entertainment industry will undoubtedly continue to offer better roles to women.

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