Five Things You Didn’t Know about Alison Lohman

Five Things You Didn’t Know about Alison Lohman

What most fans of Alison Lohman know is that she has been absent from the acting scene for about 5 years — and counting. There doesn’t seem to be much interest from her in returning to the big or small screen anytime soon. That presents a daunting question from a woman who has been quoted as saying, “I don’t know… I don’t want people to know everything about me.” But from what she has told us about herself as well as her non-actions, we can know five things about the Drag Me to Hell and Matchstick Men actress that she probably doesn’t want to know.

1. When she said that she didn’t want people to know everything about her she was very, very serious.

Alison and hubby Mark Neveldine actually have 2 children. Pretty much all we know about the first child is it is a boy named Billy. The married couple keeps their private lives far more private than most young Hollywood talents, and her decision to stop acting (for the most part) has helped her avoid people poking around in her personal business. Give credit to hubby here, who obviously takes what she said seriously as well.

2. For Alison, acting is a profession, not a way to get fame and fortune.

This fact does not match up with her decision to go directly to Hollywood rather than attend New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts and get a professional education and training. In a group interview in 2012, she answered a question about the demands of her role in Dram Me to Hell like this: “The only thing that I care about is just that I have a strong sense of who I play. If I have that, then I don’t have any insecurities.” Compare that thought to this one: “My philosophy is: It’s none of my business what people say of me and think of me. I am what I am and I do what I do. I expect nothing and accept everything. And it makes life so much easier.” This quote came from Hannibal Lecter — Sir Anthony Hopkins, not the character. Can you get more professional than that?

3. She is much smarter than most people give her credit for.

If you think about it, how many actresses can walk away from being on the brink of an extremely successful future to have children and leave it all behind? How many actually have done it successfully? With Alison, 5 years later she seems to have made all the right decisions, even though there is plenty of interest in her returning in a lead role. She has avoided getting embroiled in the #metoo controversy, avoided publicity for the most part, and has a net worth of roughly $5 million to show for her career successes. Realistic expectations and a happy life are two signs you are probably much smarter than most people.

4. She is allergic to more than a few things — but not tequila.

When working out her role with director Sam Raimi as Christine in Drag Me to Hell she told him to use mudpacks for the dirt in the muddy grave because, as she says, “I asked for it, not because I’m a diva, but because I’m allergic to a million things.” But during filming she said she had to take shots of tequila to go to sleep at night. According to Alison, it wasn’t optional.

5. She has a very close relationship with Monk and Clint.

Those are her two cats, and that’s as much as we’ll probably get to know about those relationships.

What makes Alison such an interesting person is what we don’t know about her. And it is likely she will keep it that way because she is true to herself, something many Hollywood actresses would like to say about themselves.

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