Five Reasons Why Bob Iger Should Run For President in 2020

President Donald Trump has proven that a much wider range of candidates are capable of winning the U.S. presidential elections than people used to assume. As a result, there is now a much wider range of potential candidates whenever people start talking about 2020. This would never happen, but Bob Iger would probably be one of the better of those potential candidates by leaps and by bounds.

Here are five reasons that Bob Iger would not be a terrible choice for a presidential candidate in 2020:

Proven Leader

Iger became part of ABC in 1974. Later, he became head of ABC in 1989 and then head of Disney in 2005. However, Iger did not stop there, as shown by the successive expansions under his leadership. First, there was Pixar in 2006; second, there was Marvel Entertainment in 2009; third, there was much of 20th Century Fox in 2017. As a result, there can be no doubt that Iger is a proven leader.

Successful Businessman

Speaking of which, Iger is a successful businessman who possesses the skill set needed to run huge organizations. Granted, the exact skill set needed to serve as the President of the United States is not the same as the skill set needed to run a multi-national corporation, as shown by the fact that the first must be prepared to make more compromises on a regular basis than the second. Still, a significant percentage of the skill set of one is transferable to the skill set of the other, meaning that such individuals are not wholly unprepared for a political role.

Strong Work Ethic

With that said, there is no such thing as someone who is prepared to serve as the President of the United States because it is a one of a kind position. As a result, the best presidential candidates are the ones with a strong work ethic that will enable them to learn their duties and responsibilities as soon as possible. In Iger’s case, he is famous for getting up at 4:15 am to get in some exercise before he heads into his office, which can happen as early as 6:30 am.


Compassion won’t guarantee that a political leader will be able to make the right choices, but on the plus side, it should prevent them from implementing policies out of pure malice, which is a lot more important than most people used to assume. For what it is worth, Iger has won awards and accolades for his philanthropy, with an excellent example being the Ambassador for Humanity Award that he received from Steven Spielberg’s USC Shoah Foundation Institute for Visual History and Education.

In Good Health

Physical health is connected to mental health and emotional health. As a result, it is important for national leaders to be in excellent condition from a health perspective. Fortunately, Iger’s health is excellent, as shown by the fact that he spends up to 45 minutes on his VersaClimber starting at 4:15am on weekdays, which is grueling even for people much younger than him.

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