Five Movie Fan Theories that are Easy to Debunk

Five Movie Fan Theories that are Easy to Debunk

Trying to count all the fan theories that have accumulated over the years is a tall order, but trying to debunk a few of them is kind of interesting from time to time since how they’re created tends to show that some of them can stand up to the scrutiny, while others fade right away, or over time. But some of the more interesting theories out there tend to appear solid to some folks, while to others they’re barely coherent. IN some cases, a fan theory can go to great lengths to connect two very different movies to each other, or it can explain something about the movie that people never thought of before. But most times it happens that the theory will be as solid as it needs to be until someone finds the weakness inherent in its design. Some theories are still easy to believe in, but when some theories get debunked it’s kind of funny to see how quickly they can crumble.  Here are five fan theories that are easy to debunk. 

5. Danny Torrance was controlling the events in The Shining. 

This one isn’t too hard to believe since it was shown in Doctor Sleep how Danny’s presence in the Overlook hotel managed to wake the place up again. But thinking that Danny was actively controlling the hotel and that he meant to scare the hell out of himself makes this character far more diabolical than even the hotel could claim to be. It would mean that at a very young age, Danny was a mastermind that knew how to sell every emotional moment and was willing to take things to a dangerous level when it came to being convincing enough to point the blame at his father, not to mention the hotel. While stories such as this, where the child was the root of all evil, do exist, this doesn’t feel like the type of story The Shining is, especially given the fact that Danny was absolutely terrified of the place. 

4. Elsa is suicidal.

People do tend to take a lot of movies out of context, and while a lot of the old stories that today’s Disney classics are based on do tend to go to a very dark place from time to time, stating that Elsa was suicidal and went into the mountains to die is still a stretch. The song ‘Let It Go’ has inspired some folks to think that Elsa was intent on killing herself and that ‘the cold doesn’t bother me anyway’ meant that death wasn’t something she feared. When people start digging into their theories they can go many different ways, but some of them are exceedingly dark, especially since Elsa was acting out of fear and self-preservation, but also because she didn’t wish to harm anyone without meaning to. If she’d really been suicidal a nice dive off the cliffs while singing her song would have worked just as well.  

3. Rugrats was all Anjelica’s hallucination. 

Let it never be said that kids don’t have a seriously wild and detailed imagination, especially since Rugrats was the type of show that many remember as a fun and engaging time even when Anjelica was around. Her distaste for the babies was evident most times, but thinking that they were figments of her imagination since she had parents that worked so often and she didn’t interact with many kids her age is kind of a leap and a bound into a fantasy land that allows for wild theories to abound without limit. But if they were all in her head then they were in the heads of the adults as well, which meant the mental condition had spread to the lot of them. 

2. Ferris Bueller is all in Cameron’s head. 

The fact is that Cameron is kind of a do-nothing worrier that doesn’t really know how to have fun on his own. But with the invention of Ferris Bueller, he gets to have a wild adventure as he spends a school day doing just about anything that he can imagine, including spending the day with a young woman that he likely fancies. The problem with this theory is that the movie goes well beyond the scope of Cameron’s imagination unless of course we’re supposed to believe that he’s dreaming up a highly-detailed scenario in which Ferris becomes such a massive personality that the entire town is rooting for him to ‘get better’. But would that include Rooney breaking into the Bueller household? 

1. Tremors and Footloose are staged in the same town. 

The idea that there was no music or dancing allowed in the town in which Footloose is centered because of graboids is interesting but flawed. Thinking that Kevin Bacon’s two different characters would be the same is also kind of hard to get behind. The reason for this is that even without dancing, the town would have still been devastated since it wouldn’t have taken dancing to wake the creatures up since even with a quiet town, there’s bound to be noise and vibration, especially when two dumb teenagers decide to play a game of chicken with a couple of tractors.  The theories aren’t bad, they’re just not as consistent as people want to believe. 

RugratsFerris Bueller

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