Five Fun Facts You Didn’t Know about Kari Byron

Kari Byron is an American TV host and artist and has a rather interesting background and life when you really get into her bio. There are some things about her that might seem common and quite plain but then there are others that might make a person go ‘huh?’. In truth she seems like a well-rounded individual that has her own set of opinions, beliefs, and principles that she follows pretty closely without any need to compromise that often. In many ways her fame is kind of limited but it’s also something that she seems to enjoy at its current level as it’s not too much and it’s not absolute zero.

That moderate point where one can be recognized by some but not all seems to be where a lot of people hang out.

5. She graduated magna cum laude from San Francisco State University.

More or less ‘magna cum laude’ means with great distinction. This means that she was an above average student and was given an honor by her university as a result. Depending on the school you might not see a whole lot of students reach this level but then again some universities are known for graduating a good number of students in this manner. It’s all a matter of how strictly a student follows their studies and how they follow through.

4. She was a cast member on Mythbusters.

She was there from season 1 to season 12 so it can be said that she was a big part of the show for a while and managed to get her name out there where people could see it. As of now however there’s a good chance that only fans of the show would recognize her any longer. At this point she’s still in front of the camera and loving what she does.

3. She’s a confirmed atheist.

It almost sounds like part of this has to do with her grandmother as it seems that she told Kari that a fellow student of hers that was a Buddhist was not going to heaven. That seems like a rather dim view to take around children, but it could be what shaped her own views growing up. At this time Kari identifies herself as a scientist, a skeptic, and a pacifist as well as an atheist. Some folks like to see things in order to believe them, and that’s more than acceptable.

2. She’s a germaphobe.

There are more people out there that simply can’t handle germs, dirt, or filth of any kind as it might make some them physically ill. Just like any other phobia this is something that can’t be avoided save through therapy and a lot of time and patience.

1. She’s a pescatarian. 

This is a person that won’t eat such things as chicken, pork, or beef products but will eat fish. Kari was noticeably unnerved when dead animal remains would be used on Mythbusters as part of an experiment as she identifies as a pacifist and someone that doesn’t consume meat either.

Like it says above, she’s got an interesting life in some regards.

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