Superheroes come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and with enough back stories to fill a library of encyclopedias. Among them all however is one that has captured the attention of nearly every person that’s ever heard the name. He’s not on par with the most naturally-gifted and powerful superheroes, but he’s most definitely in a class all his own when it comes to being one of the best. Batman is no doubt the one superhero that can take down some of the most powerful heroes and villains in the comic book universe, but there’s a catch.
Despite being skilled, deadly, and quite intelligent, Bruce Wayne’s main gift comes from the gadgets that his immense wealth pays for on a continual basis. Without his weapons, Batman is just another human, albeit a very deadly one. Here are just a few Batman weapons that many people wish were real or even served a practical purpose outside the comics.
5. Bat ears
You might have an odd look on your face when you read this, but don’t adjust your eyesight or your screen, this is very real. Batman’s trademarked costume has changed a great deal throughout the years, but one of the most unique things to be added have been the spring-loaded bat ears that can pop off with enough force to become deadly projectiles. Whether they’re deadly or not, the bat ears are an addition that are too cool to believe.
4. Batsuit Taser
Just imagine your whole bodysuit being wired to incapacitate someone if they try to touch you. While it’s not entirely practical or lethal it is a cool addition to Batman’s arsenal and one that has saved him in the past. Also, in the comics the suit has been adjusted to operate via sensors built into Batman’s gloves. If such a thing existed in real life you can bet that assault crimes might drop rather dramatically.
3. Bat Bombs
Each one of these wonderfully powerful little devices is about the size of a golf ball and packs a punch greater than a full-sized grenade. Easy to carry, easy to conceal, these tiny balls can be packed with incendiary devices, gas, or virtually anything that Batman might need to use. Now there might be a few weapons experts and physicists that would argue with the dynamics of this device, but really, would they even bother disagreeing with Batman?
2. Bat Sword
.In essence this is almost the same as a lightsaber in that it has a power source and a very strong blade that can cut through many surfaces. However, it doesn’t really hold with the mythos of Batman all that well and comes across as more of a blatant ripoff. Still, the effect is nice despite this not being completely worthy of the dark knight.
1. Batarangs
Almost the same as a throwing star, these deadly little bat-shaped pieces of metal are entirely possible to make, but the precision and detail that would need to go into their design would be intense. Not only would the look be difficult to replicate, but the idea that they could fly straight and actually hit their target would pose a challenge to most anyone that decided to try. There is also the idea that Batman’s variety of batarangs are equipped to do several different things, from serving as a lasso to another miniature incendiary device. While the generic design might be possible, the rest is more or less a pipe dream.
Batman is simply awesome, as many fans would agree and even defend if any decided to say different. On his own without gadgets and weapons he’s still the Batman, and still rich, intelligent, and just plain tough. With his weapons however there aren’t a lot of people in the comic book world that can honestly say they would take Batman down in a straight up brawl.
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