Five Famous TV Shows That Never Had a Series Finale

Five Famous TV Shows That Never Had a Series Finale

It doesn’t feel fair in the least when a favorite show doesn’t manage to get a fitting sendoff since some shows either get canceled or simply taken off the air for one reason or another. As a fan it’s easy to feel jilted since the whole idea of being a fan means that your opinion is supposed to matter and that if there are enough fans watching then the show should remain on until it gets a sendoff that feels right. But that’s not even close to how things work apparently since one thing that’s easy to see is that if a show is getting too much flak or if the ratings aren’t high enough, or if there just isn’t enough interest in the program, it’s going to be taken off without so much as a passing explanation as to why. With some shows, it tends to happen and people don’t say a word, they simply accept it and move on. But with others, it’s been seen that folks will raise an obvious stink since it’s not exactly a great idea to take a beloved show and just end it without giving a solid reason. Even if we feel like we deserve one as the fans though, there’s no real chance that we’re going to get one.

Here are just a few shows that were ended without a finale.

5. My Name is Earl

This show ended on such an uncertain note that it was easy to get upset since we’d just learned that Earl was Dodge’s real father all along, but we also learned that Earl Jr. wasn’t Darnell’s son, which left a huge question mark as to who Joy slept with when she was already cheating on Earl with Darnell. One could easily say that Joy wasn’t the most faithful individual in the entire series, in fact, one could say that she was perhaps the worst when it came to being faithful since she cheated on Earl with Darnell and then had Earl sign divorce papers while he was in the hospital. But who in the world did she sleep with while she was hooking up with Darnell?

4. King of the Hill

Sometimes it’s just low ratings that tend to get a show booted off the air since this particular program was headed downhill in a big way no matter how popular it had been in previous seasons. It was actually given the boot in favor of The Cleveland Show, which ended up being not all that great to start with unless one really liked Cleveland and his family for one reason or another. But there a lot of things that one might have wanted to know, such as what Boomhauer really did, whether Bobby was ever going to become a functional teen, and several other questions that might have been nice to have answered.

3. Quantum Leap

Sadly, this show was starting to tank after the third season, and it actually went to a season five eventually, which was apparently longer than was needed to decide that Sam would never be shown to go home finally and would be stuck jumping from one life to the next in order to keep solving problems. That feels like a cheap way to end things, especially for someone that had no way to know just how to get home. But apparently, people had had enough of the time and body-jumping and decided that enough was enough as their attention was drawn elsewhere, thereby leaving the show in the proverbial dust.

2. Soap

It sounds as though there was a bit of controversy between the ad agencies and ABC when this show was finally taken off the air, which isn’t too hard to believe since there are plenty of ways that a show might be looked at as problematic when it comes to a show’s sponsors and what they think of the content. Some shows really have to watch what they say and do since their sponsors might decide to up and drop them if they don’t like what they’re seeing or hearing, which is rough since without their sponsors there are plenty of shows that wouldn’t survive past a single season if they made it that far even.

1. Married…With Children

If you can believe it, this show was actually given the cancelation order as they were filming their 11th season, and to hear the cast tell it they weren’t even made aware of the fact until it was too late to do anything or say anything about it. The type of executive decision made to cancel this often controversial show was one that had a lot of fans in shock since after all it had been through, seeing the Bundys taken off the air so quickly was hard to deal with for a lot of fans.

No one wants to see their favorite show axed, but it happens.

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