Fans Can Now Stay in the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Mansion

Fans Can Now Stay in the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Mansion

For anyone that’s wondered what it might be like to stay in the Banks’ house from the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, that time is coming up as five people will be able to book their stay in the Airbnb that Will Smith and DJ Jazzy Jeff will be setting up later this month for a group of lucky people. It won’t be the full experience since the Banks’ obviously won’t be in residence and the guests won’t have access to the entire house, as the kitchen is off-limits, as are other areas, but otherwise, this sounds like an interesting place to stay just to say that you’ve been there and, as a fan, can possibly lord it over those that might actually be jealous. Considering the fact that the show actually took place mostly in a studio however it’s likely this would be a nice stay-cation, but that’s about it. Still, there’s no need to discount the experience since it sounds like an interesting time and a chance to get away that a lot of people would no doubt wish to take, especially since the cost is so low. But it does sound as though it’s first come, first served, and it could be that people might already have been attempting to get their name on the list.

A lot of folks would probably love to stay in one of the homes of the many sitcom families that people have enjoyed watching over the years. What those that would jump at such an opportunity need to remember however is that a lot of shows are filmed on sets that are built to resemble homes and aren’t really like the homes they’re representing in real life. It’s funny to think about, but there are likely people that have the homes of many fictional families mapped out from one room to another since if anyone remembers we did manage to get an extensive tour of the Banks’ residence over the years, but despite the fact that we had the chance to see the pool house we never did get to see the pool as far as anyone knows. That obviously won’t be the case with this stay-cation since it does look as though the pool is included and will be there to give people yet another way to relax and just kick their feet up as they enjoy the experience. Unfortunately, none of the cast members will be in residence since Will Smith is putting this together, but it’s likely that he’s kind of a busy guy and won’t be around to say hey and spout off a couple of his most famous lines.

The Fresh Prince was definitely one of the more influential shows of its time since as a comedy it was great and provided a lot of laughter for those that were interested in watching. But it also did a great job of teaching many lessons in morality as well as other subjects that people might not have been expecting. To this day, the episode that featured Will’s on-screen father is still one of the most powerful scenes in all TV and has been viewed millions of times since the scene between Will Smith and James Avery is so unerringly powerful. Avery is definitely missed and has been for some time, but his role as Uncle Phil hasn’t been forgotten, and it’s likely that there will never be another person that could possibly fill that role in the same way. In fact, one can hope that a reboot of the show would never be a possibility, but there are always those out there that believe that bringing something back is paying homage to it in some way, or believe that they can come up with something better that will allow the show to continue onward with a new fanbase.

It’s a guarantee that staying in this house won’t do much more than give a person the experience of the show in a very minor way, but at the same time, it’s still a nice place and definitely worth the low price and more since it’s a vacation, a way to get away, which is something a lot of people need these days. The idea of Will Smith putting this together is pretty nice since it indicates that he’s still looking out for fans and trying to give them a way to experience one of the best shows to ever come along in a long time. Even if it’s just for a night this stay would be something else and it would be something that a lot of fans would be able to take with them for a long time to come. Even having a Philly cheesesteak served on a silver platter sounds interesting enough to try at least once.

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