Five Things You Didn’t Know about John Landgraf

John Landgraf is a big deal at FX since he happens to be the top guy. One of the biggest deals about him in the news is the fact that he’s stated that while Louis C.K. was with FX they had no outward signs of any wrongdoing or misconduct such as the comedian was accused of recently. While Louis C.K. was officially let go by the network that still makes little sense. There might be the argument that they had no idea what he’d been accused of, or it could be that they were attempting to cover it up in an effort to keep the act from staining their reputation. Whatever a person wants to believe they did part ways with Louis C.K. and Landgraf has firmly denied knowing anything about the incident.

It’s  very possible that nothing was known since Landgraf obviously understands what could be lost if they tried to cover it up.

5. He spent a lot of his childhood moving from place to place.

His parents were backup singers for an evangelist so they spent a lot of time on the road and never really settled down until they divorced in 1969. After that time Landgraf attended high school in Oakland, California. Moving around couldn’t have been too easy when he was a kid as it tends to put less emphasis on friendships and a stable home life.

4. At one time he was Vice President of Primetime at NBC.

He’s been a bigwig for a while now and is likely used to the pressures it brings.  Of course there’s a lot more pressure at the top since more and more people are looking at that person to do whatever it takes to run the business, or their portion of it, efficiently and in a manner that is capable of supporting those that work under them and need to know that things are as stable as can be.

3. He helped to found the Jersey Television production company.

He did this along with Danny DeVito, Michael Shamberg, and Stacey Sher. The production company was responsible for shows like Reno 911! and Karen Sisco. It came out with some pretty good hits that managed to grab the attention of the viewers for a while but eventually started to slip into mediocrity between coming out with one interesting series after another.

2. He was in a barbershop quartet in college.

He went to Pitzer College, which is one of the Claremont Colleges, and was a member of a quartet for a while. This means he must have a lovely singing voice that I kind of doubt a lot of people get to hear since singing isn’t really his thing at the moment. He’s also known to play the flute so he’s obviously a very music-minded fellow.

1. He was promoted to President and General Manager of FX Network.

This was in 2005 and what it means is that he’s the overseer of quite a few things at FX including programming, operations, development, scheduling, and many more day to day tasks that have to be done.

He’s an important man to FX in other words.

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