10 Things You Didn’t Know about Emilio Sakraya

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Emilio Sakraya

Emilio Sakraya is one of Germany’s fastest rising stars. The talented young actor has been working in the industry for a decade, and it’s clear that the possibilities for his future are endless. Over the course of his career, he has appeared in more than a dozen German productions and he has been making quite a name for himself. His work ethic and undeniable talent have quickly set him apart and have shown that he is ready for the next phase of his career. Thanks to his role in an upcoming Netflix series, Emilio is on the brink of achieving international stardom. He will appear as JC in the show, Warrior Nunn, which is set to be released on July 2nd. Continue reading for 10 things you didn’t know about Emilio Sakraya.

1. He Has A Diverse Background

Most people would agree that exposure to different people and places can help a person become more well-rounded. Emilio has been fortunate enough to experience several different cultures throughout his life. He was born in and raised in Germany, but his mother is Moroccan and his father is Serbian.

2. He Started Acting At Nine

Sometimes it can take decades for people to discover their true passion, but Emilio found his at a very young age and he was ready to pursue it. He was just nine years old when he began his acting career and he knew instantly it was something that he wanted to do for the rest of his life.

3. He’s A Musician

Emilio’s acting skills are what has gotten him the most attention so far, but that isn’t the only for of entertainment he provides. He is also a musician who released his first songs in the spring of 2019. Since then, he has gone on to perform and tour around Germany.

4. He Was A Harry Potter Fan As A Child

Even though it’s hard to believe, it’s been well over 20 years since Harry Potter was introduced to the world. As a result, millions of people have grown up knowing and loving the magical tales of wizards and witches. Emilio Sakraya was once a fan himself and said he really enjoyed Harry Potter when he was younger.

5. He Love The Action Genre

Most actors are open to taking a wide variety of roles, but they usually have one or two genres that they are especially interested in working in. For Emilio, that genre is action. He is very physically fit and loves getting the chance to incorporate that into his work as an actor.

6. He Doesn’t Lift Weights

Emilio is in great shape, and it is clear that he spends a lot of time working out. However, many people many be surprised to know that he doesn’t lift weights. He says, “One is strength-endurance training. I hardly touch weights anymore. I did that for a long time, but realized that I prefer to leave it because it just makes you slow and wider.” Instead he prefer to do things like martial arts, parkour, and acrobatics.

7. He Loves Sports

Emilio may not be a competitive athlete, but he loves sports nonetheless. He told Loox, “I live sports. I am a sport. I don’t exist without sport.” He continues, “I also notice that I get really jittery when I don’t do sports for a day. But primarily it is about fitness and health, how it looks at the end of the day is rather secondary. My motivation is rather that I need it to stay fit and to clear my head.”

8. He’s A Model

There’s no denying the fact that Emilio Sakraya is a good looking guy. Between his handsome face and his athletic figure, it’s no surprise that the camera loves him. It’s unclear if he has actually done any professional modeling, but his Instagram is full of model level shots that show he definitely has the potential to have a successful modeling career.

9. He’s Bilingual

Being an actor who can speak more than one language is definitely an advantage, especially when you’re hoping to achieve international success. Emilio can speak both English and German, but there’s no information that clarifies if he is fluent in English.

10. He’s Done A Lot Of Traveling

Emilio has been traveling at a very young age. As a kid, he spent many summers in Morocco visiting his family. His love for traveling has carried over into adulthood. He still enjoys visiting cities all over the world and taking in the all the beauty they have to offer.

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