This eighth grade trailer is something that kids in middle school at the moment can relate to a lot more than people that went through it years and years ago. Back in the day we didn’t have cell phones to get hooked on and ignore people, but we certainly had the anxiety that went along with junior high and the constant feeling that things just weren’t good enough. Even those that looked like they had everything together and acted too cool for school and anyone else had their issues that they didn’t want aired out in public. It was a potentially traumatizing time for a lot of people, especially those that didn’t open up as much as others.
Do any of you remember middle school? For some people it might have been a blast, but for others it was a hellish transition from grade school to high school that was more like a battlefield just waiting to swallow a person up when they weren’t looking. From trying to impress people to getting through the day to simply trying to figure out the thoughts that were running through your head was a task worthy of a modern-day Hercules, and each one of us had to do it on a regular basis just as the kids now do. Worse still, our parents didn’t seem to understand back then just as parents don’t seem to understand now. The reason for that however is simple, with each new generation there are new challenges that are essentially the same old thing but given a new feel due to many different factors.
The use of phones in school is something that is a very big issue with some people since it seems to distract kids from interacting with others and actually focusing on the fact that they’re in school for something other than texting, tweeting, and various other activities that are performed on their mobile device. Back in the day there were no such things and people had to talk or at the very least write notes and pass them along. Anyone remember that? Now kids can text one another in class so long as the teacher doesn’t catch them, and taking their phone away is tantamount to ruining their lives as it seems to be their only link to the world that matters. It seems the days in which kids had a good time with one another without having to be hooked up to a network is steadily being replaced by the need to have a phone charger and a ready source of power on hand. That might seem a little melodramatic but really, take into account how much time this trailer spends on mobile devices, it’s become an epidemic almost.
You might ask, what did middle school kids do without phones back in the day? Well, we did a lot of things, including TALKING TO EACH OTHER. Anyone wonder why some kids just don’t seem to fit in with the rest of the crowd? They have lots to say, but it’s hard talking to a phone zombie.
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