Digital Media Jobs in Los Angeles Grow By 11.6% in Past Decade

A recent report compiled by the Los Angles Economic Development Corp. revealed that there has been a significant increase in the number of digital media jobs in Los Angeles over the last decade. To be exact, the number of digital media jobs increased by 11.6 percent over said period of time, which is much higher than the increase of 4 percent for all sectors over the same period of time. Currently, digital media jobs are worth around $27 billion payroll-wise, meaning that they represent a huge segment of Los Angeles’s economy.

The increase in the number of digital media jobs should come as no surprise considering the rise of digital media companies in recent times. In short, digital media has become so convenient for such a wide segment of consumers that the digital media companies have become indispensable throughout the entertainment industries. Sometimes, digital media companies create new content for the interested individuals who can be found out there. Other times, digital media companies are responsible for distributing that same content to interested individuals through digital means, which is just as important as their creator counterparts. Whatever the case, digital media companies have become ubiquitous for the simple reason that digital media has become ubiquitous.

Due to the rise of digital media, the increase in the number of digital media jobs was inevitable. After all, the processes needed to let digital media companies function can’t perform themselves, meaning that there is a need for the expertise and experience needed to see them done. As for why Los Angeles managed to capture such a significant share of the economic benefit from the rise of digital media, that can be attributed to the simple fact of the matter that it is one of the main hubs for the entertainment industries in the United States, meaning that it was a natural choice for digital media companies operating on their own as well as digital media companies collaborating with other media companies.

On a final note, the same report that revealed the increase in digital media jobs in Los Angeles stated that it should not be taken for granted. In the opinion of the people who compiled the report, digital media companies are not tied to physical factors to the same extent as other companies in the entertainment industries. As a result, digital media companies are capable of relocating with increased ease should local circumstances proven unfavorable to them, meaning that the increase in the digital media jobs represents both risks and opportunities to Los Angeles. On the one hand, more digital media jobs mean a stronger economy for the surrounding region; on the other hand, if Los Angeles wants to hold onto those digital media jobs, it will need to ensure a pleasing environment for digital media companies, which is something that requires constant maintenance. In a sense, the same can be said about digital media as well as any new inventions and innovations that disrupt the status quo. Simply put, they present both risks and opportunities, which can be managed by those with the foresight to make the right choices sooner rather than later.

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