Did You Know That Marvel Lied To Us about Captain America?

Captain America 4

So what more could there be to Captain America that people don’t know? Well, as it turns out there’s likely quite a bit that people don’t know, but it has more to do with the manner in which his name and his title have been used over the years than anything that might be deemed as too controversial. Quite often when someone claims that people have been lied to about this or that it might spark outrage in a few people. I mean, how DARE Marvel lie to us about one of its most popular characters, right? Of course, if that outrage were real then it’s likely that people would stop paying attention to anything that has to do with Captain America, or not since lies about a fictional character don’t necessarily come with the same punch that people might think. One reason is that he IS fictional, and another is that so many heroes have been retconned, or had their stories retconned over the years, that seeing something different come along isn’t such a big deal. People can stand learning a few new things about their favorite heroes unless something truly drastic has changed about them.

The fact that Captain America didn’t really hit Adolf Hitler as it shows on the cover of Captain America Comics #1 isn’t that big of a deal since it was a gimmick to sell the comic, and it worked. On top of that, the fact that this issue came out before America officially entered WWII was more of a commentary on how the men behind the hero felt. It didn’t do them any favors since they found themselves on the receiving end of many death threats apparently, but the issue didn’t go anywhere, and it even became iconic to many people. It kind of appears that folks don’t care if Captain America knocks out Hitler or not in the comic though, they just enjoyed the image.

Looking back at the super-soldier serum it’s easy to think that it’s kind of a funny thing to think about when realizing what it did for Steve Rogers. The fact that it was used on so many others after he was buried in the ice, and the results it had on them, makes it evident that it wasn’t meant to be something that would last forever, and it wasn’t meant to make him superhuman. It definitely made him stronger than any other man who didn’t have powers beyond what humans possess, but it’s also easy to note that the MCU didn’t really take it this way since he manages to withstand things no one should be able to take, even with a shield that can blunt an insane amount of force. In the movies, Cap kind of did become superhuman since some of the things he did on occasion weren’t exactly within the scope of a guy of his power level. The thing is, it’s all fictional, and losing any sleep over this is kind of silly since Marvel might be telling white lies about the characters and hoping people will accept it and move on, and so be it. The age of the retcon has been just as prominent as the era of the remake is now, so when it comes to the comics and the movies there’s a lot of ‘anything goes’ mulling around as people try to figure out what’s canon and what’s just extraneous stories that people tend to enjoy.

The thing about anyone saying that Marvel ‘lied’ to the people about Captain America is that with a fictional story, pretty much anything can happen. It’s not always bound to please the more technically-minded fans that want everything to make sense and be able to fit into whatever mental compartment they need, but it’s going to happen since now and then the story has to change and evolve into something that might not be entirely recognizable but will suit the upcoming generation of fans. It will also give the current generation something to think about and, if they’re smart about it, a bit of knowledge to fall back on just in case anyone wants to know about what happened before the big switch to a superhero or villain.

So in truth, the lies that Marvel tells about any of its characters aren’t so terrible as people might think, since a lot of times it’s done to reinvent the character, the story, or make both a little more appealing to the readers at the expense of a little integrity that can be patched up and made good as new in short order. It’s understandable that people want to see the stories they love so much make sense and follow the same path they’re used to, but at the same time, things have to change now and then. super-soldier serum

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