Days of Our Lives Spoilers: Gabi Receives Crushing News

Days of Our Lives Spoilers: Gabi Receives Crushing News

Days of Our Lives fans know that Lani has a lot to process in the moment. She’s decided she is a woman who doesn’t have much else to offer in her world, and she’s one who doesn’t have much else to do in her life. She’s not been given the best options, but she’s gotten this story from Ben and Ciara, and it’s up to her to decide what to do with it. Does she believe them? Does she feel that they are doing all the things they need to be doing to get their lives in order? Does she feel as if she is making progress in any capacity? Does she feel as if she is getting her life in order and making the world a better place? We don’t know if she believes them, but her own personal life is distracting her a bit in the process.

Meanwhile, we know that Brady had to do some tough stuff. He had to break the news to Marlena that he is having a baby. With Kristin. He didn’t know she was Kristin when he was sleeping with her, of course. He thought she was Nicole. They all thought she was Nicole, but now he is the one paying the price for this and all that it means for him. He’s a man who lives the best life, does the best stuff, and handles things as accordingly as possible. But, for now, he has to figure this out on his own while his family is desperately unhappy with the way it all went down. Meanwhile, we also know that Stefan and Gabi are in a good place personally. Not so much with his mother, but she’s going to have her own issues when she tries to get out of town.

What’s Happening on Days of Our Lives

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What’s Next on Days of Our Lives

It seems that Jack is done playing games, and he is going out of his way to make sure that his wife knows this. No, not the wife he loves and wants to be with and missed so much all these years. The wife who took his memory and tricked him into thinking that she was the one for him. He’s going out of his way to let Eve know that he remembers, he knows, and he’s not happy with the way things are going with them. He is not going to sit back and allow anyone to mess with him ever again, and that’s all there is to it. He is done, he is over it, and he is moving on with his own life and the things that are important to him. He’s made it his mission in life to go out of his comfort zone for this one, and he’s got his memories back. It was a beautiful reunion for him and Jen, too, and we are all happy to have gotten to see that.

On that note, we also know that Gabi is getting some terrible news. It will kill her, and she will not be happy to hear about it. Her husband is in a terrible situation, and she cannot help but feel heartbroken over this. Lani is going to realize that what she did is a horrible thing, and she will become shaken. She’s horrified, upset, and she is not happy with the way things are going, but what can she do now?

Stay tuned for more Days of Our Lives and be sure to check out TVOvermind daily for the latest Days of Our Lives spoilers, news, and updates.

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