Days of Our Lives: Valerie Tells Eli Lani is Pregnant

Days of Our Lives: Valerie Tells Eli Lani is Pregnant

Days of Our Lives fans are not happy at all to see that Eli still has no idea that his one-night stand is pregnant. Lani hasn’t exactly been forthcoming with this news considering she’s not all that interested in sharing her baby news with someone who isn’t her boyfriend. And she’s not happy that he is the father. And she’s probably living in a world where he will never find out. However, Valerie knows that she’s pregnant, and she’s going to say something to Eli about it.

Now, we know that Valerie is close to Eli. They have a lovely relationship and always have, and she might even be the reason things didn’t work out for him with Gabi the first time. Valerie isn’t so much a fan of her family. But when she mentions to Eli that Lani is pregnant, he will be more than shocked. Will he find out that the math doesn’t make any sense for it to be anyone other than himself?

We don’t know if he will wonder or if he will assume this is not the case considering she said nothing to him, but we do know that this is not going to be something that goes away. He will wonder and worry, and he will eventually ask her. Will she tell him it’s his baby, or will she find a way to let him think that the baby is JJ’s and that all is well between them? This cannot go well.

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