OK I’m done. This has to be my last article for today. What is it doll day today? Literally about an hour ago we covered a Belle doll from Beauty and the Beast that looks exactly like Barack Obama. My guess is that someone on Reddit tried to one up the previous poster because a new gem just showed up about 5 minutes ago. The latest in creepy doll look alikes? Check out this Daisy Ridley “Rey’ doll that looks exactly like Elrond from Lord of the Rings.
Can someone please explain what’s happening in the doll community please? Are dolls the one area of merchandising for movies that studios simply don’t do any quality assurance for? Are they some kind of wicked stepchild that parents just don’t care about? I mean what in the world are these doll makers on? If you’re sending in your resume to be a doll maker for a movie studio, is this the picture you send? Am I completely missing something?
Is it that hard to make a doll look like Daisy Ridley? Is it that hard to make a doll look like Emma Watson? I would honestly rather them just put a sticker of Daisy Ridley’s face on this doll and it would have been 100 times better.
There’s no way I get any sleep this weekend with these dolls. Have a nice weekend folks. I’ll catch you tomorrow.
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