A Compilation of Great Scenes from the Movie Groundhog Day

A Compilation of Great Scenes from the Movie Groundhog Day

As many of you know, today is Groundhog Day.  While it’s not really in my interest to find out what little Phil sees today, it does give me an excuse to post a clip of the movie that shares the same name as today’s “holiday.”  Groundhog Day is a classic.    As one of the acknowledged classics of American comedy, “Groundhog Day” concerns TV weatherman Phil Connors, who is forced to live the same Feb. 2 over and over again until he gains some karmic and comic insight into his life.

At first the movie is kind of slow.  Phil realizes his day is the same over and over again, but eventually realizes that he can start manipulating these days and that’s where the comedy ensues.   He takes all the information from the previous day and uses it to his advantage.  This way he starts getting an edge and can manipulate the day as he pleases.  It’s not even like the movie has that many memorable lines (except the name Ned Ryerson), but it’s just a funny movie in and of itself.   A classic that everyone enjoys in the winter.

While Punxsutawney awaits to see if their groundhog extends or shortens winter, we like to give you something a little more entertaining.  Enjoy the best of “Groundhog Day” clip below.

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