Check Out Horror Movie Characters as Cute Animals

Check Out Horror Movie Characters as Cute Animals

I would say that one can tell when the Halloween season is rolling through the US, but some artists manage to find themselves in the mood to create these pieces no matter what time of year it is, as Nikita is obviously enamored of cute animals and horror movie characters, which of course is a combination that one can’t help but think about when it comes to a combination that might truly creep people out. Admit it, we’ve all at least wondered what might happen if we cross horror monsters with something or someone, and whenever someone decides to do something like this it doesn’t really disappoint since it’s a lot of fun to see. Okay, so some of it is pretty creepy and might cause nightmares among those within society that aren’t able to take the horror, but for the rest of us, it’s something that’s pretty cool since it might give us ideas or inspire others to come up with something that’s just as innovative and possibly even more demented. Seriously, you can’t really look at some of these without wondering if Nikita has some seriously messed-up nightmares or daydreams that are expressed in the resulting artwork. If nothing else, the artist has a seriously twisted imagination just for thinking these up.

Here are a few pictures of cute animals that have been hideously warped into movie monsters. Oh yeah, it’s that great.

Check Out Horror Movie Characters as Cute Animals

Okay, so this one is a given. It doesn’t matter what is dressed up in the makeup from the doll in Saw, it’s just flat out disturbing since the look of it and the eyes are so crazed that one can’t help but be shaken to the core when that bike comes rolling out. Now just imagine being chained or tied or stuck or otherwise adhered to some form of machinery that’s meant to dole out as much pain as is humanly possible, and then some, and seeing this thing come rolling up on you as a voice over a recorder states, “I’d like to play a game.” Yeah…no thanks.

Check Out Horror Movie Characters as Cute Animals

This one might not be so bad, right? After all, he just looks like a really, REALLY angry hedgehog that has a leather fetish. But anyone that’s seen Hellraiser knows what Pinhead can do, and it’s safe to say that if you’ve been seen then you’ve been marked since the Cenobites don’t really come to play in the same way that many people would prefer.

Check Out Horror Movie Characters as Cute Animals

Quick question, how many people would just have to stop and say ‘Aww, who’s a good puppy?’ and therefore volunteer to be the next in line to have a blade rammed through some part of their body? C’mon, there are at least a few dog lovers out there that might see this and decide to start talking in baby talk before realizing that Michael wasn’t interested in being called a good boy or getting a milk biscuit. “Aww, who’s the good puppy that just stabbed me through the heart?”.

Check Out Horror Movie Characters as Cute Animals

Did you ever look at a squirrel and think that they’re hiding something? Seeing two of them like this would likely erase that thought and simply make a person want to run and keep running until the nearest forest, indeed the nearest tree, was far, FAR away. No need to figure out just what they’re planning or why they want you to come play with them this time around, just run and don’t look back.

Check Out Horror Movie Characters as Cute Animals

So Jason is a big, dumb teddy bear. Somehow this bear doesn’t look as huggable and lovable as some folks might think. A hardcore horror buff might think that it would work, since it’s hard to scare those folks, but for the rest of us, it might be better to just stand back and let it happen.

Check Out Horror Movie Characters as Cute Animals

Some people see a clown and they just can’t help themselves, they’re ready to grab the nearest bat and start swinging for the fences. There was a time when the painted faces weren’t unnerving, wasn’t there? There are still people that like clowns and think that horror movies have ruined our love for them. But seriously, there’s just something not right about clowns, and the whole decision to use a fox was a little too accurate. The world is a henhouse, and this fox is ready to do some damage.

Check Out Horror Movie Characters as Cute Animals

Quick thought, what if the Velveteen Rabbit never became a real rabbit and instead decided to come back for revenge? Of course, that doesn’t really explain the appearance, but hey, things happen out in the woods, and maybe the transformation was incomplete for some reason and drove him crazy. Hey, it’s fiction, it could happen.

Check Out Horror Movie Characters as Cute Animals

This definitely gives a new definition to the term ‘pigskin’ doesn’t it? Oh be real, you were waiting for that one.

Give Nikita props for these, they’re simply awesome.

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