Check Out This Awesome Millennium Falcon Bedroom

Check Out This Awesome Millennium Falcon Bedroom

Check Out This Awesome Millennium Falcon Bedroom

Don’t you wish your parents had loved you to give you this kind of awesome Millennium Falcon bedroom? I’m just kidding of course, but this room is still something out of this world, no pun intended, when it comes to the scenery and the decor. Imagine being able to sleep in the cockpit of the famous Millennium Falcon every night, that would be a Star Wars fan’s dream come true I’ll bet. I know I’d love it. The one thing that really begs for a question however is how secure the cockpit is to the wall and ceiling. Something seems to suggest that this would be for a kid and wouldn’t be usable after they hit puberty and started getting bigger. But for those several years this would be something unique and special that they could talk about for the rest of their life. The only concern besides the mounting really is the length of the hatch steps, which would indicate that a kid at least needs to be able to climb into bed unless they’re using a stool.

Check Out This Awesome Millennium Falcon Bedroom

The way this room is situated is great, as the hatch overlooks the far wall, that is designed like a corridor in the Death Star no less, and supports a flat screen of decent size. You might notice the cabinets below them but I’ll get to that in a moment. This doesn’t really seem like the kind of bed that would support a sleepover of more than one or two kids though, since once again there’s no telling how secure those mounts are.

Check Out This Awesome Millennium Falcon Bedroom

That last point seems moot however as you can see that there’s plenty of floor space, and if a sudden need to defend the Falcon or instigate a blaster fight should occur, the rooms occupant is well-supplied with a variety of blasters and yes, even lightsabers that can be used to stave off any unwanted Imperial attention. Really, how awesome is the design of this room?

Check Out This Awesome Millennium Falcon Bedroom

And instead of folding out, the cabinets holding the weaponry are recessed into the wall to grant even more space in the room. That is seriously impressive and I would love to know if those are LED lights stuck to the walls in just the right intervals to give that customary look. Someone put a lot of effort and heart into this room for their kid and to be honest it’s so impressive that a lot of us might think of doing the same. It would take a monumental effort no doubt but the end result would be worth it if you could get it done before your kid is grown up.

Check Out This Awesome Millennium Falcon Bedroom

And of course you couldn’t leave the cockpit unfinished. The mock console would be a must, and thinking about the enclosed space now makes the fan on the top shelf make perfect sense. There’s no point sweltering inside no matter how cool it is. Plus the extra shelving is always good for kids that tend to read in bed. This is just, freaking, awesome.

Images via Dericrw

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