7 Times Captain Marvel Was The Strongest Avenger in the MCU

MCU movies are filled with numerous scenes that exhibit Captain Marvel’s incredible strength, proving that she is the strongest Avenger. Carol Danvers, also known as Captain Marvel, has been part of Marvel since 1995. But her official debut came in the Captain Marvel film in 2019. Played by Brie Larson, she was portrayed as a member of Yon-Rogg’s Starforce. However, she later became an independent cosmic Avenger. 

In addition to her standalone movie, Carol Danvers featured in Avengers: Endgame. There she joined the ranks of the Earth’s mightiest heroes to fight Thanos. Since then, there have been debates on who the strongest Avenger is. The list has been narrowed down to Wanda and Captain Marvel. With Scarlet Witch now officially separated from the Avengers, Captain Marvel stands as the sole remaining contender for the title of strongest Avenger. Let’s look at seven MCU moments that prove Carol Danvers’ superiority in strength and power. 

1. The Defeat Of Starforce

Captain Marvel strongest

Comics exhibited Starforce as an intergalactic strike force that protected the Kree Empire. The Kree have been one of the Avengers’ most significant adversaries in the comics. But the movie’s storyline does not explore this aspect. Captain Marvel’s origin is linked to Yon-Rogg’s Starforce, which worked under the orders of Supreme Intelligence.

She was viewed as the least experienced member of the team due to her premature recruitment and incomplete training. But her lack of experience didn’t stop her from defeating Yon-Rogg and his team. Captain Marvel’s capability to single-handedly obliterate them is a testament to her immense strength and power. 

2. Protecting The Universe After The Thanos Snap

Thanos snapping his fingers to end half of all life with the Infinity Stones

The man behind Avengers (Nick Fury) turned to Captain Marvel for help when he saw people turning into dust. Fortunately, she answered the call and reached Earth-616 for any possible aid. Thanos’s snap affected the whole universe. That’s why the need for intergalactic protection increased after the snap.

The Avengers regrouped and started securing the Earth’s premises, whereas Captain Marvel returned to space for cosmic protection. Carol Danvers operates on a much larger scale than the Avengers. Captain Marvel is a solitary protector of the entire universe, while the Avengers work as a team to fight villains. Without their teamwork, the Avengers would perish at the hands of enemies. No one can say the same about Captain Marvel.

3. Thanos And Captain Marvel’s Hand-to-hand Combat

Captain Marvel strongest

Thanos’ fights with Avengers in Infinity War and Endgame showed his extreme strength. Some powerful Avengers like Iron Man and Doctor Strange were no match for the Mad Titan. Towards the final stages of Endgame, we saw Carol Danvers and Thanos’  engage in hand-to-hand combat. The iconic battle proved that Captain Marvel is practically as strong Thanos, if not stronger. Without the Power Stone in his possession, Thanos would have been no match for Captain Marvel.

4. The Iconic Ship Destruction In Endgame

7 Times Captain Marvel Was The Strongest Avenger in the MCU

In The Avengers: Endgame, Thanos brought his entire fleet to fight with the Avengers. Earlier, the Avengers struggled to defeat Chitauri’s fleet. That’s why facing Thanos with his multiple alien armies and hundreds of ships would have been an even greater challenge for the team. However, Captain Marvel proved to be a formidable force and annihilated the fleet’s mothership like it was nothing. Danvers missed the early moments of the Battle of Earth. But she quickly turned the tables by flying through Thanos’ ship effortlessly. The one-hit destruction of the ship was one of the damages that no other Avenger could have caused the Mad Titan. 

5. Ronan The Accuser Vs. Captain Marvel

7 Times Captain Marvel Was The Strongest Avenger in the MCU

Ronan was one of the most powerful Marvel Villians to return to the Captain Marvel movie in 2019. He had a formidable fleet at his disposal to enforce Kree Empire’s rules. Such a massive herd of ships was an Avengers-level threat, but Danvers dealt with it individually. In the film, she dodged Ronan’s attacks and destroyed his scout ships one by one. Ultimately, she flew through one of Ronan’s cruiser ships which sealed his destructive fate.

6. Thanos’s Immobilization

7 Times Captain Marvel Was The Strongest Avenger in the MCU

Avengers: Endgame started with a surprise as the regrouped superheroes killed Thanos. The key to his defeat was the element of surprise and catching the Titan off-guard. Although Thanos was weakened after using the Infinity Stones, he would have posed a formidable challenge if Carol Danvers hadn’t immobilized him. This showcase of sheer strength exemplifies why Captain Marvel is the strongest Avenger alive. 

7. Scarlet Witch And Captain Marvel’s Fight

7 Times Captain Marvel Was The Strongest Avenger in the MCU

Doctor Strange 2 provided viewers with a fascinating glimpse into the multiverse. A battle between Wanda and Carol Danvers is still awaited on Earth-616. However, the Multiverse of Madness showcased a fight between Earth-383’s Captain Marvel and Scarlet Witch. In the film, Maria Rambeau appeared as Captain Marvel and an Illuminati member, trying to stop Scarlet Witch. 

She gave Wanda a tough time in the battle and stood her ground longer than expected. That proved her superiority in strength and power compared to other Avengers. It’s safe to say that every sequence in the movie exhibits the supernatural strength of Captain Marvel distinctively. These instances serve as evidence of her title as the strongest Avenger — and it is certain that future MCU events will reinforce this fact. 

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