Broderick Harvey Jr.: A Look at Steve Harvey’s Son

When it comes to discussing the Harvey family, Steve Harvey’s iconic presence is often front and centre. However, behind the scenes, his son, Broderick Harvey Jr., has been making his own mark in various spheres. In this article, we take a closer look at Broderick Harvey Jr.’s personal and professional life, his successful foray into the fashion industry, and his relationship with his renowned father, Steve Harvey.

Broderick Harvey Jr. was born on April 29, 1991, in the United States. He was named after his father who was born Broderick Stephen Harvey.  Growing up in a household filled with laughter and entertainment, as his father Steve Harvey has worked in Entertainment for most of his life, it was no surprise that Broderick developed a passion for creativity and self-expression. From a young age, he showed a keen interest in fashion and style, often experimenting with his own unique sense of fashion.

Broderick Harvey Jr. Leads a Very Private Personal Life

Broderick Harvey

Despite growing up as the son of a famous father, Broderick Harvey Jr., also known as “BJ,” has actively created his own unique identity. While he maintains a relatively private personal life, there are glimpses into his interests and passions. Broderick’s individuality shines through as he creates his own path while navigating the expectations that come with being part of a high-profile family. From his social media account, it is clear that he is interested in fashion, music, and family. 

Broderick Harvey Jr.’s Relationship with Steve Harvey

Steve Harvey and his son Broderick

While Broderick may have grown up in the presence of a renowned celebrity father, his relationship with Steve Harvey goes beyond mere fame. Through interviews and public appearances, it is evident that there is a deep bond between them. Steve’s guidance and support have undoubtedly played a role in shaping the person Broderick is today, both personally and professionally.

After Broderick’s parents separated, he spent most of his formative years with his mother, Marcia Harvey. He only chose to go back to live with his father when he was 16. He is one of the three children his mother had with Steve Harvey. Broderick is also his first son and is the younger brother to twin girls Brandi and Karli Harvey. This might be what influenced his decision to leave his mother to stay with his father. 

Broderick Harvey Jr. Runs His Own Businesses 

Hervhouse Brand

Broderick Harvey currently has a number of jobs, most of which are under his father’s company. In spite of this, he has found a way to set himself apart. Broderick Harvey provides a playlist curation service on his website, What he does is create playlists on streaming platforms, Apple Music and Spotify. Information on the website shows that visitors will be able to purchase merch and other things on the website in the near future. 

Another way that Broderick has established himself is with his photography company, B. Harv Photography. He created this in 2009, and it is clear that this is a business he still runs. Furthermore, there is a belief that Broderick has ventured into the fashion industry and successfully established a fashion label, which showcases his inherent sense of style and creativity. However, the existence of this label has not yet been confirmed.

Broderick Harvey Jr. Has A Diverse Work Experience

Broderick Harvey on Family Feud

Beyond his personal endeavors, Broderick has carved a path of his own in the professional world. Harvey got an art degree from Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia, in 2014. But even before then, he had already gained a wealth of work experience.  He had worked as a Social media handler, Ticket Coordinator and Development Associate at different companies. 

From all indications, Broderick Jr. has taken after his father in a number of ways. One of the ways he has shown this is with the jobs he has had in his father’s conglomerate. He has worked on the Product Development and Brand Integration team at Steve Harvey World Group, and from then, he went on to become the Director of Creative Director at the same company. Currently, he works as a Producer on Family Feud South Africa and Ghana, and he does this while juggling the other businesses he runs. It is evident that he owes a great deal of his success to the work he performs at his father’s company.

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