An 11-year-old boy is in intensive care in Phoenix after having been stung over 400 times by bees. It’s a miracle he’s even still alive but the child has Dragon Ball Z to thank for his survival. This is a 100% true account and Andrew is recovering as we speak.
According to Gila Valley Central, Andrew Kunz and a friend were shooting BB guns at an old rusted car. A colony of Africanized bees had taken up residence inside the vehicle, and inadvertently, it seems as though the sound of the pellets hitting metal pissed them off. Royally. Local news reports that during the swarm, all Kunz could think to do was use “Full Force Power,” a power-up from his favorite anime, Dragon Ball Z. “I’m Andrew, but you can call me Vegeta,” the boy told a reporter
We’re told that Andrew is on his way to a full recovery. So who says video games don’t apply to real life? First it comes in the form of eye and hand coordination. Now kids are picking up moves to save their lives! I have to say this is pretty awesome. I couldn’t be happier for Andrew but I’m guessing the makers of Dragon Ball Z are super excited that their game helped Andrew in this tough to get out of situation.
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