The Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers: Sally’s Guilt is Getting to Her

The Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers: Sally’s Guilt is Getting to Her

The Bold and the Beautiful spoilers tell us Sally is feeling more than a little guilt. She’s so upset she can’t even function. She loves that Thomas was willing to throw money at her to help her with her business, and she loves that they are back together, but she’s so upset about what happened to him and his family. She can’t handle that there are so many things she could have done differently to help prevent whatever is going on with him and his family. Because she stole from his family, he ended up without a family to support him. He’s lost his own job with the company, his father isn’t speaking to him, and his sister isn’t speaking to him. He seems all right to be without his family, but she’s feeling so much guilt she can’t handle this.

It’s all her fault. If she’d only done the right thing instead of the wrong thing after Bill sabotaged her company, Thomas would not be in this position. He’d be working at Forrester, his family would be happy with him, and she’d be on her own working to make things happen. She’d have Thomas in her life without the guilt she’s currently feeling, and things would be so much better for everyone. She can’t stop thinking about it and put the past in the past. She’s incapable of doing this right now, and we have a feeling her guilt is getting the best of her.

How much longer will it be before Sally makes the decision to end things with Thomas? Will she end things in hopes he  might reconcile with his own family and move on, or will she be able to get over what is happening to her without too much guilt? There is no telling what might happen here, but there is a good chance she is going to end this relationship yet again. She might not get another chance with Thomas if she does that. It’s an ugly situation all the way around, and we can’t help but wonder what might happen in the coming week.

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