The Blacklist Fall Finale Review: Liz’s Parentage Mystery Solved?

The Blacklist

The Blacklist has FINALLY given its long-time fans some information on something they have been clamoring to know (or assuming was true) since day one. Though there are certainly still plenty of twists and turns to come afterward, The Blacklist has (apparently) confirmed what most viewers like me have believed all along. But, I won’t spoil it for you for a couple more paragraphs.

This week on The Blacklist fall finale: Kirk orchestrates his escape from the hospital, and Elizabeth is taken with him. Once they’ve arrived, Kirk is struck with the reality that he is not Elizabeth’s father. Tom and the task force attempt to rescue Elizabeth, while Reddington takes matters into his own hands. Reddington and Kirk face off. Mr. Kaplan escapes her rescuer and is picked up on the side of the road.

I’m still not sure how to feel about the reveal that (SPOILERS) Reddington is Elizabeth’s father. I mean, I’m not even sure I believe it. For so long they have danced around things and lied to us about it, I’m not sure that Reddington didn’t just tell Kirk what he wanted to hear. But on the other hand, I’ve always believed that Red was her father, and it’s not exactly a bombshell reveal. The only thing I can’t figure out is why he’s lied for so long, and continues to do so to her. I would think he’s doing it to protect her since he’s been a wanted criminal his entire life, but even that makes no sense, since no one cared when she thought it was Kirk, who is also a life long criminal.

Even though the “big reveal” was annoying, there was still stuff to like in this episode. Mostly, I like when Tom and Dembe join forces with the task force to accomplish things. I think I keep watching this show because I long for the small moments between characters that aren’t Red and Liz, so when I get them, no matter how small, I am always overjoyed.

This is my annual reminder of James Spader’s brilliance. I’ve seen him play Reddington through endless situations, but this may have become one of my new favorites. Watching him play Red in the immense pain that Kirk was putting him through was fantastic. I’m still not convinced that the “Yes, I’m Elizabeth’s father” was legit, but it was still a beautiful, well-acted moment by Spader, who is always gripping.

Here are a few questions/thoughts:

  • What’s going on with Mr. Kaplan? Who picked her up? Does anyone else even care about that?
  • When is Tom going to leave for the spin-off, and under what circumstances? They don’t seem to be really building toward an endgame.
  • Without Tom, I want to see more Ressler, Aram, and Dembe please. Thanks.
  • Probably my biggest annoyance with the show as a whole has been the parentage mystery. I mean, I just don’t understand dragging it out. I predict that Liz won’t know Red is her father until he’s dying. You heard it here first.

So I enjoyed this episode, but there still wasn’t much of substance. To be fair, this show has never done finales particularly well. But, with the spin-off coming in Spring, there will be some fundamental changes coming, of which I’m very interesting in seeing the outcome of.

What did you guys think? Did you enjoy the episode? Let us know in the comments!

The Blacklist returns on Thursdays this January on NBC

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