Credit: Bayonetta
Bayonetta is one of the many franchises associated with Nintendo that have become more popular over recent years, compared to the previous Mario and Link games of decades ago with retro consoles. Still, Bayonetta, on the other hand, is new in all terms as far as Nintendo typically goes, but as the game wasn’t associated with Nintendo but Platinum Games, famously founded by the creator of Bayonetta, Hideki Kamiya, received the funding and support from Nintendo, over Sega for Bayonetta 2.
While Sega was still a consultant during the process of the game, Nintendo undoubtedly helped keep it alive with its first sequel, and now a third on the way. Below, we’ve detailed the Bayonetta video game series, what you may not have known about the popular series and other exciting information regarding the video game series.

Credit: Bayonetta/Sega
Bayonetta, for those unaware, is a hack-and-slash video game series created by Hideki Kamiya, creator of Devil May Cry and one of the founders of Platinum Games. While in more recent years, Platinum Games have been mostly noticed for their Nier sequel, Nier: Automata, published by Square Enix. Square Enix has been just one of the many studios or publishers that Platinum Games has been hired by or working for to create a unique story from the original, even if the original was created in the absence of Platinum Games.
Three other games, along with Bayonetta, were the first four games that Platinum Games created under a partnership with Sega. Still, unfortunately, Sega has the rights to the franchises it helped create with Platinum Games at this time, which led to the funding provided by Nintendo for the sequel, Bayonetta 2. The first game in the Bayonetta series was released for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.
Still, when Nintendo was the sole savior of the sequel, the game was released exclusively for the Nintendo WiiU system, the least popular or successful of their extensive list of video game consoles. Overall, the original Bayonetta entry in the series of video games, released in 2009, followed the demon-summoning, hair-weapon-wielding Bayonetta as she tried to re-discover her past and those linked to it, which leads to massive violence and captivating gameplay throughout.

Credit: Bayonetta/Sega
Bayonetta 2
As stated above, Bayonetta 2 was funded by Nintendo, so with such a limitation came limited availability for other consoles as the sequel was released for Nintendo’s newest system at the time, the WiiU. Overall, the WiiU was one, if not the worst, console in their entire lineup, as the system was more of a prototype for the switch and a hybrid of the handheld and standard console type.
In concept, and before the Switch system, the WiiU was pretty cool, but overall wasn’t much of a needed console and not much as attractive about it outside of its releases, and Bayonetta 2 was no exception. Bayonetta 2 was released in 2014, while the original Bayonetta has gotten a re-release for Xbox One and PlayStation 4, the same treatment never happened for the sequel until it was re-released for the Nintendo Switch.
With such licensing exclusive to Nintendo, however, Bayonetta, the series’ lead character, has appeared in multiple games such as Super Smash Bros. Improvements from the first to the second Bayonetta entry included a two-player mode, a new gameplay element, and the interesting friendship from the enemy of the original, Jeanne.

Credit: Bayonetta/Sega
Upcoming Bayonetta 3 to Add to Video Game Series
Bayonetta 3, originally announced in 2017 at The Game Awards by Nintendo, will again be available exclusively on Nintendo, specifically on the Nintendo Switch. Still, fans likely expected nothing less from the company at this point. Already. Bayonetta 3 has stated that Bayonetta will have new abilities to replace abilities to fit the gimmick of the previous games.
With the third installment, Bayonetta can control a variety of demons directly, compared to the previous entries in which she would use them as weapons. As anticipated as the last entry, but likely more so, Bayonetta 3 has already been surrounded by controversy from its voice actor for the titular character.
Most interestingly, in Bayonetta 3, one of the several characters that will appear in the game will be alternate versions of Bayonetta and new and returning characters. One familiar character, or the voice of a character rather, Bayonetta specifically, stated shortly before the reveal of the third entry that she was unsure if she’d play the role for it and since has been replaced by Jennifer Hale.
The original Bayonetta voice actress, Hellena Taylor, initially stated that she was only offered a mere $4,000 for the entirety of the game’s recording sessions. Since these statements, the creator of Bayonetta stated that Taylor’s statements were lies, while she responded to reports that she was offered between $3000 and $4000 per session as a lie. While Bayonetta 3 will have a different voice actress for the video game series, every other aspect of the soon-to-release game, on October 28th, 2022, has fans more excited than ever.
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